Document for sklearn_ensemble_cv

sklearn_ensemble_cv.utils API documentation

Module sklearn_ensemble_cv.utils

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import os
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from itertools import product, combinations

def reset_random_seeds(seed):

def median_of_means(x, eta=None):
    Compute the median of means of the given data.

    x : 1d-array
        The data.
    eta : float
        The parameter for the median of means. If None, it is set to 1/n.

    mom : float
        The median of means.
    n = len(x)
    if eta is None:
        eta = 1/n
    B = int(np.maximum(
            np.minimum(np.ceil(8 * np.log(1/eta)), n), 1))
    ids = np.random.permutation(np.arange(n))
    ids_list = np.array_split(ids, B)
    mom = np.median([np.mean(x[ids]) for ids in ids_list])
    return mom

def risk_estimate(sq_err, axis=None, method='AVG', **kwargs):
    Compute the risk estimate from the squared error.

    sq_err : 2d-array
        The squared error.
    method : str
        The method to use for risk estimation. Either 'AVG' or 'MOM'.
    kwargs : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimation method.

    if len(sq_err)<1:
        return np.nan
    if method=='AVG':
        risk = np.mean(sq_err, axis=axis)        
        risk = np.apply_along_axis(median_of_means, axis, sq_err, **kwargs)
    return risk

def degree_of_freedom(regr, X):
    Compute the degree of freedom of a fitted regressor.
    regr : sklearn regressor
        The fitted regressor. Can be Ridge, Lasso, or ElasticNet.
    X : 2d-array
        The input data.

    dof : float
        The degree of freedom.
    k = X.shape[0]
    if regr.fit_intercept:
        X = np.c_[np.ones((k,1)), X]
        nz_coef = np.r_[regr.intercept_!=0, regr.coef_!=0]
        nz_coef = regr.coef_!=0
    lam = regr.alpha
    method = regr.__class__.__name__

    if method == 'Ridge':
        svds = np.linalg.svd(X, compute_uv=False)
        evds = svds[:k]**2
        dof = np.sum(evds/(evds + lam))

    elif method == 'Lasso':
        dof = np.sum(nz_coef)
    elif method=='ElasticNet':
        l1_ratio = regr.l1_ratio
        lam_2 = lam * (1-l1_ratio)

        if np.any(nz_coef):
            svds = np.linalg.svd(X[:,nz_coef], compute_uv=False)
            svds = np.array([0.])
        evds = svds[:k]**2
        dof = np.sum(evds/(evds + k * lam_2))

    return dof

def estimate_null_risk(Y):
    Estimate the null risk of the data for regression problems.
    mu = 0.
    return np.mean((Y-mu)**2)

def _avg_sq_err_M(x, M, M_max, axis=0, **kwargs_est):
    Compute the average of all combinations of M of all columns.

    x : 2d-array
        The data of shape [n,M].
    M : int
        The number of columns to combine.
    M_max : int
        The maximum combinations number of columns to combine.

    avg_sq_err : float
        The average squared error of the M-ensemble.
    if M==1:
        return np.mean(x**2, axis=1)
        iter = 0
        err = []
        for id in combinations(np.arange(x.shape[1]), M):
            if iter >= M_max:
            err.append(np.mean(x[:,id], axis=1))
            iter += 1
        err = np.c_[err]**2
        return np.mean(err, axis=0)

def avg_sq_err(err, M_max=None):
    Compute the average squared error.

    err : 2d-array
        The squared errors of shape [n,M].

    risk : 1d-array
        The estimated squared errors of the M-ensembles.
    if M_max is None:
        M_max = np.ones(err.shape[1]) * 500
        M_max[np.arange(err.shape[1])>10] = 10
        M_max = M_max.astype(int)
    risk = np.fromiter((_avg_sq_err_M(err, M+1, M_max[M]) for M in np.arange(err.shape[1])), 
                       dtype=np.dtype((float, err.shape[0]))).T
    return risk

# Grid processing functions

def split_grid(raw_grid, raw_kwarg):
    Split the grid and kwarg into two dictionaries.

    raw_grid : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters, possibly with fixed parameters.
    raw_kwarg : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters.
    grid : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune.
    kwarg : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters.

    grid = {i:j for i,j in raw_grid.items() if not np.isscalar(j)}
    kwarg = {i:j for i,j in raw_grid.items() if np.isscalar(j) or len(j)==1}

    if raw_kwarg.keys() & kwarg.keys():
        raise ValueError('Grid and kwarg cannot have common keys.')
    kwarg = {**kwarg, **raw_kwarg}
    return grid, kwarg

def make_grid(dict_regr, dict_ensemble=None):
    Create a dataframe with all combinations of parameters in dict_params.

    dict_regr : dict
        A dictionary of parameter names and their possible values for the base regressor.
    dict_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of parameter names and their possible values for the ensemble model.

    config_list_regr : list
        A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one configuration for the base regressor.
    config_list_ensemble : list
        A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one configuration for the ensemble model.
    # Get all combinations of parameter values
    param_values = list(product(*(list(dict_regr.values())+list(dict_ensemble.values()))))

    # Create a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one configuration
    config_list_regr = [dict(zip(dict_regr.keys(), values[:len(dict_regr)])) for values in param_values]
    if dict_ensemble is not None:
        config_list_ensemble = [dict(zip(dict_ensemble.keys(), values[len(dict_regr):])) for values in param_values]
        return config_list_regr, config_list_ensemble
        return config_list_regr

def process_grid(grid_regr, kwargs_regr, grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est, M):
    Process the grid and kwarg into two dictionaries.

    grid_regr : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters for the base regressor, possibly with fixed parameters.
    kwargs_regr : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
    grid_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters for the ensemble model, possibly with fixed parameters.
    kwargs_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_est : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
    M : int
        The ensemble size.

    grid_regr : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune for the base regressor.
    kwargs_regr : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
    grid_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_est : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.    
    if not grid_regr and not grid_ensemble:
        raise ValueError('grid_regr and grid_ensemble cannot both be empty.')
    if type(grid_regr) is not type(grid_ensemble):
        raise ValueError('grid_regr and grid_ensemble must be of the same type.')
    if isinstance(grid_regr, dict):
        grid_regr, kwargs_regr = split_grid(grid_regr, kwargs_regr)
        grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble = split_grid(grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble)
        grid_regr, grid_ensemble = make_grid(grid_regr, grid_ensemble)

    kwargs_ensemble = {**{'random_state':0}, **kwargs_ensemble}
    kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est = check_input(kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est, M)
    return grid_regr, kwargs_regr, grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est

def check_input(kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est, M):
    Check the input parameters for the risk estimate.

    kwargs_regr : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
    kwargs_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_est : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
    M : int
        The ensemble size.

    kwargs_regr : dict
        The updated fixed parameters for the base regressor.
    kwargs_ensemble : dict
        The updated fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_est : dict
        The updated additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
    kwargs_est = {**{'re_method':'AVG', 'eta':None}, **kwargs_est}
    kwargs_ensemble['n_estimators'] = M

    return kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est


def reset_random_seeds(seed)
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def reset_random_seeds(seed):
def median_of_means(x, eta=None)

Compute the median of means of the given data.


x : 1d-array
The data.
eta : float
The parameter for the median of means. If None, it is set to 1/n.


mom : float
The median of means.
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def median_of_means(x, eta=None):
    Compute the median of means of the given data.

    x : 1d-array
        The data.
    eta : float
        The parameter for the median of means. If None, it is set to 1/n.

    mom : float
        The median of means.
    n = len(x)
    if eta is None:
        eta = 1/n
    B = int(np.maximum(
            np.minimum(np.ceil(8 * np.log(1/eta)), n), 1))
    ids = np.random.permutation(np.arange(n))
    ids_list = np.array_split(ids, B)
    mom = np.median([np.mean(x[ids]) for ids in ids_list])
    return mom
def risk_estimate(sq_err, axis=None, method='AVG', **kwargs)

Compute the risk estimate from the squared error.


sq_err : 2d-array
The squared error.
method : str
The method to use for risk estimation. Either 'AVG' or 'MOM'.
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimation method.
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def risk_estimate(sq_err, axis=None, method='AVG', **kwargs):
    Compute the risk estimate from the squared error.

    sq_err : 2d-array
        The squared error.
    method : str
        The method to use for risk estimation. Either 'AVG' or 'MOM'.
    kwargs : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimation method.

    if len(sq_err)<1:
        return np.nan
    if method=='AVG':
        risk = np.mean(sq_err, axis=axis)        
        risk = np.apply_along_axis(median_of_means, axis, sq_err, **kwargs)
    return risk
def degree_of_freedom(regr, X)

Compute the degree of freedom of a fitted regressor.


regr : sklearn regressor
The fitted regressor. Can be Ridge, Lasso, or ElasticNet.
X : 2d-array
The input data.


dof : float
The degree of freedom.
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def degree_of_freedom(regr, X):
    Compute the degree of freedom of a fitted regressor.
    regr : sklearn regressor
        The fitted regressor. Can be Ridge, Lasso, or ElasticNet.
    X : 2d-array
        The input data.

    dof : float
        The degree of freedom.
    k = X.shape[0]
    if regr.fit_intercept:
        X = np.c_[np.ones((k,1)), X]
        nz_coef = np.r_[regr.intercept_!=0, regr.coef_!=0]
        nz_coef = regr.coef_!=0
    lam = regr.alpha
    method = regr.__class__.__name__

    if method == 'Ridge':
        svds = np.linalg.svd(X, compute_uv=False)
        evds = svds[:k]**2
        dof = np.sum(evds/(evds + lam))

    elif method == 'Lasso':
        dof = np.sum(nz_coef)
    elif method=='ElasticNet':
        l1_ratio = regr.l1_ratio
        lam_2 = lam * (1-l1_ratio)

        if np.any(nz_coef):
            svds = np.linalg.svd(X[:,nz_coef], compute_uv=False)
            svds = np.array([0.])
        evds = svds[:k]**2
        dof = np.sum(evds/(evds + k * lam_2))

    return dof
def estimate_null_risk(Y)

Estimate the null risk of the data for regression problems.

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def estimate_null_risk(Y):
    Estimate the null risk of the data for regression problems.
    mu = 0.
    return np.mean((Y-mu)**2)
def avg_sq_err(err, M_max=None)

Compute the average squared error.


err : 2d-array
The squared errors of shape [n,M].


risk : 1d-array
The estimated squared errors of the M-ensembles.
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def avg_sq_err(err, M_max=None):
    Compute the average squared error.

    err : 2d-array
        The squared errors of shape [n,M].

    risk : 1d-array
        The estimated squared errors of the M-ensembles.
    if M_max is None:
        M_max = np.ones(err.shape[1]) * 500
        M_max[np.arange(err.shape[1])>10] = 10
        M_max = M_max.astype(int)
    risk = np.fromiter((_avg_sq_err_M(err, M+1, M_max[M]) for M in np.arange(err.shape[1])), 
                       dtype=np.dtype((float, err.shape[0]))).T
    return risk
def split_grid(raw_grid, raw_kwarg)

Split the grid and kwarg into two dictionaries.


raw_grid : dict
A dictionary of lists of parameters, possibly with fixed parameters.
raw_kwarg : dict
A dictionary of fixed parameters.


grid : dict
A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune.
kwarg : dict
A dictionary of fixed parameters.
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def split_grid(raw_grid, raw_kwarg):
    Split the grid and kwarg into two dictionaries.

    raw_grid : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters, possibly with fixed parameters.
    raw_kwarg : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters.
    grid : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune.
    kwarg : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters.

    grid = {i:j for i,j in raw_grid.items() if not np.isscalar(j)}
    kwarg = {i:j for i,j in raw_grid.items() if np.isscalar(j) or len(j)==1}

    if raw_kwarg.keys() & kwarg.keys():
        raise ValueError('Grid and kwarg cannot have common keys.')
    kwarg = {**kwarg, **raw_kwarg}
    return grid, kwarg
def make_grid(dict_regr, dict_ensemble=None)

Create a dataframe with all combinations of parameters in dict_params.


dict_regr : dict
A dictionary of parameter names and their possible values for the base regressor.
dict_ensemble : dict
A dictionary of parameter names and their possible values for the ensemble model.


config_list_regr : list
A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one configuration for the base regressor.
config_list_ensemble : list
A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one configuration for the ensemble model.
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def make_grid(dict_regr, dict_ensemble=None):
    Create a dataframe with all combinations of parameters in dict_params.

    dict_regr : dict
        A dictionary of parameter names and their possible values for the base regressor.
    dict_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of parameter names and their possible values for the ensemble model.

    config_list_regr : list
        A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one configuration for the base regressor.
    config_list_ensemble : list
        A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one configuration for the ensemble model.
    # Get all combinations of parameter values
    param_values = list(product(*(list(dict_regr.values())+list(dict_ensemble.values()))))

    # Create a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one configuration
    config_list_regr = [dict(zip(dict_regr.keys(), values[:len(dict_regr)])) for values in param_values]
    if dict_ensemble is not None:
        config_list_ensemble = [dict(zip(dict_ensemble.keys(), values[len(dict_regr):])) for values in param_values]
        return config_list_regr, config_list_ensemble
        return config_list_regr
def process_grid(grid_regr, kwargs_regr, grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est, M)

Process the grid and kwarg into two dictionaries.


grid_regr : dict
A dictionary of lists of parameters for the base regressor, possibly with fixed parameters.
kwargs_regr : dict
A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
grid_ensemble : dict
A dictionary of lists of parameters for the ensemble model, possibly with fixed parameters.
kwargs_ensemble : dict
A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
kwargs_est : dict
Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
M : int
The ensemble size.


grid_regr : dict
A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune for the base regressor.
kwargs_regr : dict
A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
grid_ensemble : dict
A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune for the ensemble model.
kwargs_ensemble : dict
A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
kwargs_est : dict
Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
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def process_grid(grid_regr, kwargs_regr, grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est, M):
    Process the grid and kwarg into two dictionaries.

    grid_regr : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters for the base regressor, possibly with fixed parameters.
    kwargs_regr : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
    grid_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters for the ensemble model, possibly with fixed parameters.
    kwargs_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_est : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
    M : int
        The ensemble size.

    grid_regr : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune for the base regressor.
    kwargs_regr : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
    grid_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of lists of parameters to tune for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_est : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.    
    if not grid_regr and not grid_ensemble:
        raise ValueError('grid_regr and grid_ensemble cannot both be empty.')
    if type(grid_regr) is not type(grid_ensemble):
        raise ValueError('grid_regr and grid_ensemble must be of the same type.')
    if isinstance(grid_regr, dict):
        grid_regr, kwargs_regr = split_grid(grid_regr, kwargs_regr)
        grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble = split_grid(grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble)
        grid_regr, grid_ensemble = make_grid(grid_regr, grid_ensemble)

    kwargs_ensemble = {**{'random_state':0}, **kwargs_ensemble}
    kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est = check_input(kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est, M)
    return grid_regr, kwargs_regr, grid_ensemble, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est
def check_input(kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est, M)

Check the input parameters for the risk estimate.


kwargs_regr : dict
A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
kwargs_ensemble : dict
A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
kwargs_est : dict
Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
M : int
The ensemble size.


kwargs_regr : dict
The updated fixed parameters for the base regressor.
kwargs_ensemble : dict
The updated fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
kwargs_est : dict
The updated additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
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def check_input(kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est, M):
    Check the input parameters for the risk estimate.

    kwargs_regr : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the base regressor.
    kwargs_ensemble : dict
        A dictionary of fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_est : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
    M : int
        The ensemble size.

    kwargs_regr : dict
        The updated fixed parameters for the base regressor.
    kwargs_ensemble : dict
        The updated fixed parameters for the ensemble model.
    kwargs_est : dict
        The updated additional keyword arguments for the risk estimate.
    kwargs_est = {**{'re_method':'AVG', 'eta':None}, **kwargs_est}
    kwargs_ensemble['n_estimators'] = M

    return kwargs_regr, kwargs_ensemble, kwargs_est