Module VITAE.utils
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numba import jit, float32, int32
import scipy
from scipy import stats
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as keras
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
import h5py
import anndata
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from umap.umap_ import nearest_neighbors, smooth_knn_dist
import umap
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
import igraph as ig
import leidenalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# Early stopping
class Early_Stopping():
The early-stopping monitor.
def __init__(self, warmup=0, patience=10, tolerance=1e-3,
relative=False, is_minimize=True):
self.warmup = warmup
self.patience = patience
self.tolerance = tolerance
self.is_minimize = is_minimize
self.relative = relative
self.step = -1
self.best_step = -1
self.best_metric = np.inf
if not self.is_minimize:
self.factor = -1.0
self.factor = 1.0
def __call__(self, metric):
self.step += 1
if self.step < self.warmup:
return False
elif (self.best_metric==np.inf) or \
(self.relative and (self.best_metric-metric)/self.best_metric > self.tolerance) or \
((not self.relative) and self.factor*metric<self.factor*self.best_metric-self.tolerance):
self.best_metric = metric
self.best_step = self.step
return False
elif self.step - self.best_step>self.patience:
print('Best Epoch: %d. Best Metric: %f.'%(self.best_step, self.best_metric))
return True
return False
# Utils functions
def reset_random_seeds(seed):
def _comp_dist(x, y, mu=None, S=None):
uni_y = np.unique(y)
n_uni_y = len(uni_y)
d = x.shape[1]
if mu is None:
mu = np.zeros((n_uni_y, d))
for i,l in enumerate(uni_y):
mu[i, :] = np.mean(x[y==l], axis=0)
if S is None:
S = np.zeros((n_uni_y, d, d))
for i,l in enumerate(uni_y):
S[i, :, :] = np.cov(x[y==l], rowvar=False)
dist = np.zeros((n_uni_y, n_uni_y))
for i,li in enumerate(uni_y):
for j,lj in enumerate(uni_y):
if i<j:
dist[i,j] = (mu[i:i+1,:]-mu[j:j+1,:]) @ np.linalg.inv(S[i, :, :] + S[j, :, :]) @ (mu[i:i+1,:]-mu[j:j+1,:]).T
dist = dist + dist.T
return dist
def get_embedding(z, dimred='umap', **kwargs):
'''Get low-dimensional embeddings for visualizations.
z : np.array
\([N, d]\) The latent variables.
dimred : str, optional
'pca', 'tsne', or umap'.
**kwargs :
Extra key-value arguments for dimension reduction algorithms.
embed : np.array
\([N, 2]\) The latent variables after dimension reduction.
if dimred=='umap':
if 'random_state' in kwargs:
kwargs['random_state'] = np.random.RandomState(kwargs['random_state'])
# umap has some bugs that it may change the original matrix when doing transform
mapper = umap.UMAP(**kwargs).fit(z.copy())
embed = mapper.embedding_
elif dimred=='pca':
kwargs['n_components'] = 2
embed = PCA(**kwargs).fit_transform(z)
elif dimred=='tsne':
embed = TSNE(**kwargs).fit_transform(z)
raise ValueError("Dimension reduction method can only be 'umap', 'pca' or 'tsne'!")
return embed
def _compute_membership_strengths(knn_indices, knn_dists, sigmas, rhos, return_dists=False, bipartite=False):
Overwrite the UMAP `compute_membership_strengths` function to allow computation with float64.
n_samples = knn_indices.shape[0]
n_neighbors = knn_indices.shape[1]
rows = np.zeros(knn_indices.size, dtype=np.int32)
cols = np.zeros(knn_indices.size, dtype=np.int32)
vals = np.zeros(knn_indices.size, dtype=np.float64)
if return_dists:
dists = np.zeros(knn_indices.size, dtype=np.float64)
dists = None
for i in range(n_samples):
for j in range(n_neighbors):
if knn_indices[i, j] == -1:
continue # We didn't get the full knn for i
# If applied to an adjacency matrix points shouldn't be similar to themselves.
# If applied to an incidence matrix (or bipartite) then the row and column indices are different.
if (bipartite == False) & (knn_indices[i, j] == i):
val = 0.0
elif knn_dists[i, j] - rhos[i] <= 0.0 or sigmas[i] == 0.0:
val = 1.0
val = np.exp(-((knn_dists[i, j] - rhos[i]) / (sigmas[i])))
rows[i * n_neighbors + j] = i
cols[i * n_neighbors + j] = knn_indices[i, j]
vals[i * n_neighbors + j] = val
if return_dists:
dists[i * n_neighbors + j] = knn_dists[i, j]
return rows, cols, vals, dists
def _fuzzy_simplicial_set(X, n_neighbors, random_state,
metric, metric_kwds={}, knn_indices=None, knn_dists=None, angular=False,
set_op_mix_ratio=1.0, local_connectivity=1.0, apply_set_operations=True,
verbose=False, return_dists=None):
Overwrite the UMAP `fuzzy_simplicial_set` function to allow computation with float64.
if knn_indices is None or knn_dists is None:
knn_indices, knn_dists, _ = nearest_neighbors(
X, n_neighbors, metric, metric_kwds, angular, random_state, verbose=verbose,
sigmas, rhos = smooth_knn_dist(
knn_dists, float(n_neighbors), local_connectivity=float(local_connectivity),
rows, cols, vals, dists = _compute_membership_strengths(
knn_indices, knn_dists, sigmas, rhos, return_dists
result = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(
(vals, (rows, cols)), shape=(X.shape[0], X.shape[0])
if apply_set_operations:
transpose = result.transpose()
prod_matrix = result.multiply(transpose)
result = (
set_op_mix_ratio * (result + transpose - prod_matrix)
+ (1.0 - set_op_mix_ratio) * prod_matrix
if return_dists is None:
return result, sigmas, rhos
if return_dists:
dmat = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(
(dists, (rows, cols)), shape=(X.shape[0], X.shape[0])
dists = dmat.maximum(dmat.transpose()).todok()
dists = None
return result, sigmas, rhos, dists
def get_igraph(z, random_state=0):
'''Get igraph for running Leidenalg clustering.
z : np.array
\([N, d]\) The latent variables.
random_state : int, optional
The random state.
g : igraph
The igraph object of connectivities.
# Find knn
n_neighbors = 15
knn_indices, knn_dists, forest = nearest_neighbors(
z, n_neighbors,
metric='euclidean', metric_kwds={},
angular=False, verbose=False,
# Build graph
n_obs = z.shape[0]
X = coo_matrix(([], ([], [])), shape=(n_obs, 1))
connectivities = _fuzzy_simplicial_set(
# Get igraph graph from adjacency matrix
sources, targets = connectivities.nonzero()
weights = connectivities[sources, targets].A1
g = ig.Graph(directed=None)
g.add_edges(list(zip(sources, targets)))['weight'] = weights
return g
def leidenalg_igraph(g, res, random_state=0):
'''Leidenalg clustering on an igraph object.
g : igraph
The igraph object of connectivities.
res : float
The resolution parameter for Leidenalg clustering.
random_state : int, optional
The random state.
labels : np.array
\([N, ]\) The clustered labels.
partition_kwargs = {}
partition_type = leidenalg.RBConfigurationVertexPartition
partition_kwargs["resolution_parameter"] = res
partition_kwargs["seed"] = random_state
part = leidenalg.find_partition(
g, partition_type,
labels = np.array(part.membership)
return labels
def plot_clusters(embed_z, labels, plot_labels=False, path=None):
'''Plot the clustering results.
embed_z : np.array
\([N, 2]\) The latent variables after dimension reduction.
labels : np.array
\([N, ]\) The clustered labels.
plot_labels : boolean, optional
Whether to plot text of labels or not.
path : str, optional
The path to save the figure.
n_labels = len(np.unique(labels))
colors = [ for i in range(n_labels)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20, 10))
for i,l in enumerate(np.unique(labels)):
c=[colors[i]], label=str(l),
s=16, alpha=0.4)
if plot_labels:
ax.text(np.mean(embed_z[labels==l,0]), np.mean(embed_z[labels==l,1]), str(l), fontsize=16)
plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[])
box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1,
box.width, box.height * 0.9])
ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05),
fancybox=True, shadow=True, markerscale=3, ncol=5)
if path is not None:
plt.savefig(path, dpi=300)
def plot_marker_gene(expression, gene_name: str, embed_z, path=None):
'''Plot the marker gene.
expression : np.array
\([N, ]\) The expression of the marker gene.
gene_name : str
The name of the marker gene.
embed_z : np.array
\([N, 2]\) The latent variables after dimension reduction.
path : str, optional
The path to save the figure.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20, 10))
cmap ='Reds')
sc = ax.scatter(*embed_z.T, c='yellow', s=15, alpha=0.1)
sc = ax.scatter(*embed_z.T, cmap=cmap, c=expression, s=10, alpha=0.5)
plt.colorbar(sc, ax=[ax], location='right')
plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[])
ax.set_title('Normalized expression of {}'.format(gene_name))
if path is not None:
plt.savefig(path, dpi=300)
return None
def plot_uncertainty(uncertainty, embed_z, path=None):
'''Plot the uncertainty for all selected cells.
uncertainty : np.array
\([N, ]\) The uncertainty of the all cells.
embed_z : np.array
\([N, 2]\) The latent variables after dimension reduction.
path : str, optional
The path to save the figure.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20, 10))
cmap ='RdBu_r')
sc = ax.scatter(*embed_z.T, cmap=cmap, c=uncertainty, s=10, alpha=1.0)
plt.colorbar(sc, ax=[ax], location='right')
plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[])
ax.set_title("Cells' Uncertainty")
if path is not None:
plt.savefig(path, dpi=300)
return None
def _polyfit_with_fixed_points(n, x, y, xf, yf):
Fix a polynomial with degree n that goes through
fixed points (xf_j, yf_j).
mat = np.empty((n + 1 + len(xf),) * 2)
vec = np.empty((n + 1 + len(xf),))
x_n = x**np.arange(2 * n + 1)[:, None]
yx_n = np.sum(x_n[:n + 1] * y, axis=1)
x_n = np.sum(x_n, axis=1)
idx = np.arange(n + 1) + np.arange(n + 1)[:, None]
mat[:n + 1, :n + 1] = np.take(x_n, idx)
xf_n = xf**np.arange(n + 1)[:, None]
mat[:n + 1, n + 1:] = xf_n / 2
mat[n + 1:, :n + 1] = xf_n.T
mat[n + 1:, n + 1:] = 0
vec[:n + 1] = yx_n
vec[n + 1:] = yf
params = np.linalg.solve(mat, vec)
return params[:n + 1]
def _get_smooth_curve(xy, xy_fixed, y_range):
xy = np.r_[xy, xy_fixed]
_, idx = np.unique(xy[:,0], return_index=True)
xy = xy[idx,:]
order = 3
while order>0:
params = _polyfit_with_fixed_points(
xy[:,0], xy[:,1],
xy_fixed[:,0], xy_fixed[:,1]
poly = np.polynomial.Polynomial(params)
xx = np.linspace(xy_fixed[0,0], xy_fixed[-1,0], 100)
yy = poly(xx)
if np.max(yy)>y_range[1] or np.min(yy)<y_range[0] :
order -= 1
return xx, yy
def _pinv_extended(x, rcond=1e-15):
Return the pinv of an array X as well as the singular values
used in computation.
Code adapted from numpy.
x = np.asarray(x)
x = x.conjugate()
u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(x, False)
s_orig = np.copy(s)
m = u.shape[0]
n = vt.shape[1]
cutoff = rcond * np.maximum.reduce(s)
for i in range(min(n, m)):
if s[i] > cutoff:
s[i] = 1./s[i]
s[i] = 0.
res =, np.multiply(s[:, np.core.newaxis],
return res, s_orig
def _cov_hc3(h, pinv_wexog, resid):
het_scale = (resid/(1-h))**2
# sandwich with pinv(x) * diag(scale) * pinv(x).T
# where pinv(x) = (X'X)^(-1) X and scale is (nobs,)
cov_hc3_ =, het_scale[:,None]*pinv_wexog.T)
return cov_hc3_
def _p_adjust_bh(p):
"""Benjamini-Hochberg p-value correction for multiple hypothesis testing."""
n = len(p)
nna = ~np.isnan(p)
lp = np.sum(nna)
p0 = np.empty_like(p)
p0[~nna] = np.nan
p = p[nna]
by_descend = p.argsort()[::-1]
by_orig = by_descend.argsort()
steps = float(lp) / np.arange(lp, 0, -1)
p0[nna] = np.minimum(1, np.minimum.accumulate(steps * p[by_descend]))[by_orig]
return p0
def DE_test(Y, X, gene_names, i_test, alpha: float = 0.05):
'''Differential gene expression test.
Y : numpy.array
\(n,\) the expression matrix.
X : numpy.array
\(n,1+1+s\) the constant term, the pseudotime and the covariates.
gene_names : numpy.array
\(n,\) the names of all genes.
i_test : numpy.array
The indices of covariates to be tested.
alpha : float, optional
The cutoff of p-values.
res_df : pandas.DataFrame
The test results of expressed genes with two columns,
the estimated coefficients and the adjusted p-values.
pinv_wexog, singular_values = _pinv_extended(X)
normalized_cov =
pinv_wexog, np.transpose(pinv_wexog))
h = np.diag(,,X.T)))
def _DE_test(wendog,pinv_wexog,h):
if np.any(np.isnan(wendog)):
return np.empty(2)*np.nan
beta =, wendog)
resid = wendog - X @ beta
cov = _cov_hc3(h, pinv_wexog, resid)
t = np.array([])
for j in i_test:
if np.diag(cov)[j] == 0:
_t = float("nan")
_t = beta[j]/(np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)[j])+1e-6)
t = np.append(t, _t)
return np.r_[beta[i_test], t]
res = np.apply_along_axis(lambda y: _DE_test(wendog=y, pinv_wexog=pinv_wexog, h=h),
res_df = pd.DataFrame()
for i,j in enumerate(i_test):
if 'median_abs_deviation' in dir(stats):
sigma = stats.median_abs_deviation(res[:,len(i_test)+i], nan_policy='omit')
sigma = stats.median_absolute_deviation(res[:,len(i_test)+i], nan_policy='omit')
pdt_new_pval = np.array([stats.norm.sf(x)*2 for x in np.abs(res[:,len(i_test)+i]/sigma)])
new_adj_pval = _p_adjust_bh(pdt_new_pval)
_res_df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[res[:,i], pdt_new_pval, new_adj_pval],
res_df = pd.concat([res_df, _res_df], axis=1)
res_df = res_df[
np.array(res_df.columns, dtype=str),
] < alpha/len(i_test), axis=1
)>0) & np.any(~np.isnan(Y), axis=0)]
# res_df = res_df.iloc[np.argsort(res_df.pvalue_adjusted).tolist(), :]
return res_df
# Data loader
type_dict = {
# real data / dyno
# dyngen
# our model
def load_data(path, file_name,return_dict = False):
'''Load h5df data.
path : str
The path of the h5 files.
file_name : str
The dataset name.
data : dict
The dict containing count, grouping, etc. of the dataset.
data = {}
with h5py.File(os.path.join(path, file_name+'.h5'), 'r') as f:
data['count'] = np.array(f['count'], dtype=np.float32)
dd = anndata.AnnData(X=data["count"])
dd.layers["count"] = data["count"].copy()
data['grouping'] = np.array(f['grouping']).astype(str)
dd.obs["grouping"] = data["grouping"]
dd.obs["grouping"] = dd.obs["grouping"].astype("category")
if 'gene_names' in f:
data['gene_names'] = np.array(f['gene_names']).astype(str)
dd.var.index = data["gene_names"]
data['gene_names'] = None
if 'cell_ids' in f:
data['cell_ids'] = np.array(f['cell_ids']).astype(str)
dd.obs.index = data["cell_ids"]
data['cell_ids'] = None
if 'days' in f:
data['days'] = np.array(f['days']).astype(str)
if 'milestone_network' in f:
if file_name in ['linear','bifurcation','multifurcating','tree',
"cycle_1", "cycle_2", "cycle_3",
"linear_1", "linear_2", "linear_3",
"trifurcating_1", "trifurcating_2",
"bifurcating_1", 'bifurcating_2', "bifurcating_3",
data['milestone_network'] = pd.DataFrame(
np.array(np.array(list(f['milestone_network'])).tolist(), dtype=str),
data['milestone_network'] = pd.DataFrame(
np.array(np.array(list(f['milestone_network'])).tolist(), dtype=str),
data['root_milestone_id'] = np.array(f['root_milestone_id']).astype(str)[0]
data['milestone_net'] = None
data['root_milestone_id'] = None
if file_name in ['mouse_brain', 'mouse_brain_miller']:
data['grouping'] = np.array(['%02d'%int(i) for i in data['grouping']], dtype=object)
data['root_milestone_id'] = dict(zip(['mouse_brain', 'mouse_brain_miller'], ['06', '05']))[file_name]
data['covariates'] = np.array(np.array(list(f['covariates'])).tolist(), dtype=np.float32)
if file_name in ['mouse_brain_merged']:
data['grouping'] = np.array(data['grouping'], dtype=object)
data['root_milestone_id'] = np.array(f['root_milestone_id']).astype(str)[0]
data['covariates'] = np.array(np.array(list(f['covariates'])).tolist(), dtype=np.float32)
if file_name == 'dentate_withdays':
data['covariates'] = np.array([item.decode('utf-8').replace('*', '') for item in f['days']], dtype=object)
data['covariates'] = data['covariates'].astype(float).reshape(-1, 1)
if file_name.startswith('human_hematopoiesis'):
data['covariates'] = np.array(np.array(list(f['covariates'])[0], dtype=str).tolist()).reshape((-1,1))
data['type'] = type_dict[file_name]
if data['type']=='non-UMI':
scale_factor = np.sum(data['count'],axis=1, keepdims=True)/1e6
data['count'] = data['count']/scale_factor
if data.get("covariates") is not None:
cov = data.get("covariates")
cov_name = ["covariate_" + str(i) for i in range(cov.shape[1])]
dd.obs[cov_name] = cov
if return_dict:
return data,dd
return dd
# Below are some functions used in calculating MMD loss
def compute_kernel(x, y, kernel='rbf', **kwargs):
"""Computes RBF kernel between x and y.
x: Tensor
Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
y: Tensor
Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
The computed RBF kernel between x and y
scales = kwargs.get("scales", [])
if kernel == "rbf":
x_size = K.shape(x)[0]
y_size = K.shape(y)[0]
dim = K.shape(x)[1]
tiled_x = K.tile(K.reshape(x, K.stack([x_size, 1, dim])), K.stack([1, y_size, 1]))
tiled_y = K.tile(K.reshape(y, K.stack([1, y_size, dim])), K.stack([x_size, 1, 1]))
return K.exp(-K.mean(K.square(tiled_x - tiled_y), axis=2) / K.cast(dim, tf.float32))
elif kernel == 'raphy':
scales = K.variable(value=np.asarray(scales))
squared_dist = K.expand_dims(squared_distance(x, y), 0)
scales = K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(scales, -1), -1)
weights = K.eval(K.shape(scales)[0])
weights = K.variable(value=np.asarray(weights))
weights = K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(weights, -1), -1)
return K.sum(weights * K.exp(-squared_dist / (K.pow(scales, 2))), 0)
elif kernel == "multi-scale-rbf":
sigmas = [1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6]
beta = 1. / (2. * (K.expand_dims(sigmas, 1)))
distances = squared_distance(x, y)
s =, K.reshape(distances, (1, -1)))
return K.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.exp(-s), axis=0), K.shape(distances)) / len(sigmas)
def squared_distance(x, y):
'''Compute the pairwise euclidean distance.
x: Tensor
Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
y: Tensor
Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
The pairwise euclidean distance between x and y.
r = K.expand_dims(x, axis=1)
return K.sum(K.square(r - y), axis=-1)
def compute_mmd(x, y, kernel, **kwargs):
"""Computes Maximum Mean Discrepancy(MMD) between x and y.
x: Tensor
Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
y: Tensor
Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
kernel: str
The kernel type used in MMD. It can be 'rbf', 'multi-scale-rbf' or 'raphy'.
**kwargs: dict
The parameters used in kernel function.
The computed MMD between x and y
x_kernel = compute_kernel(x, x, kernel=kernel, **kwargs)
y_kernel = compute_kernel(y, y, kernel=kernel, **kwargs)
xy_kernel = compute_kernel(x, y, kernel=kernel, **kwargs)
return K.mean(x_kernel) + K.mean(y_kernel) - 2 * K.mean(xy_kernel)
def sample_z(args):
"""Samples from standard Normal distribution with shape [size, z_dim] and
applies re-parametrization trick. It is actually sampling from latent
space distributions with N(mu, var) computed in `_encoder` function.
args: list
List of [mu, log_var] computed in `_encoder` function.
The computed Tensor of samples with shape [size, z_dim].
mu, log_var = args
batch_size = K.shape(mu)[0]
z_dim = K.int_shape(mu)[1]
eps = K.random_normal(shape=[batch_size, z_dim])
return mu + K.exp(log_var / 2) * eps
def _nan2zero(x):
return tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(x), tf.zeros_like(x), x)
def _nan2inf(x):
return tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(x), tf.zeros_like(x) + np.inf, x)
def _nelem(x):
nelem = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.cast(~tf.math.is_nan(x), tf.float32))
return tf.cast(tf.compat.v1.where(tf.equal(nelem, 0.), 1., nelem), x.dtype)
def _reduce_mean(x):
nelem = _nelem(x)
x = _nan2zero(x)
return tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=x), nelem)
def reset_random_seeds(seed)
Expand source code
def reset_random_seeds(seed): os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED']=str(seed) tf.keras.backend.clear_session() random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) tf.random.set_seed(seed)
def get_embedding(z, dimred='umap', **kwargs)
Get low-dimensional embeddings for visualizations.
- [N, d] The latent variables.
, optional- 'pca', 'tsne', or umap'.
:- Extra key-value arguments for dimension reduction algorithms.
embed : np.array [N, 2] The latent variables after dimension reduction.
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def get_embedding(z, dimred='umap', **kwargs): '''Get low-dimensional embeddings for visualizations. Parameters ---------- z : np.array \([N, d]\) The latent variables. dimred : str, optional 'pca', 'tsne', or umap'. **kwargs : Extra key-value arguments for dimension reduction algorithms. Returns: ---------- embed : np.array \([N, 2]\) The latent variables after dimension reduction. ''' if dimred=='umap': if 'random_state' in kwargs: kwargs['random_state'] = np.random.RandomState(kwargs['random_state']) # umap has some bugs that it may change the original matrix when doing transform mapper = umap.UMAP(**kwargs).fit(z.copy()) embed = mapper.embedding_ elif dimred=='pca': kwargs['n_components'] = 2 embed = PCA(**kwargs).fit_transform(z) elif dimred=='tsne': embed = TSNE(**kwargs).fit_transform(z) else: raise ValueError("Dimension reduction method can only be 'umap', 'pca' or 'tsne'!") return embed
def get_igraph(z, random_state=0)
Get igraph for running Leidenalg clustering.
- [N, d] The latent variables.
, optional- The random state.
g : igraph The igraph object of connectivities.
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def get_igraph(z, random_state=0): '''Get igraph for running Leidenalg clustering. Parameters ---------- z : np.array \([N, d]\) The latent variables. random_state : int, optional The random state. Returns: ---------- g : igraph The igraph object of connectivities. ''' # Find knn n_neighbors = 15 knn_indices, knn_dists, forest = nearest_neighbors( z, n_neighbors, random_state=np.random.RandomState(random_state), metric='euclidean', metric_kwds={}, angular=False, verbose=False, ) # Build graph n_obs = z.shape[0] X = coo_matrix(([], ([], [])), shape=(n_obs, 1)) connectivities = _fuzzy_simplicial_set( X, n_neighbors, random_state=np.random.RandomState(random_state), metric=None, knn_indices=knn_indices, knn_dists=knn_dists, set_op_mix_ratio=1.0, local_connectivity=1.0, )[0].tocsr() # Get igraph graph from adjacency matrix sources, targets = connectivities.nonzero() weights = connectivities[sources, targets].A1 g = ig.Graph(directed=None) g.add_vertices(connectivities.shape[0]) g.add_edges(list(zip(sources, targets)))['weight'] = weights return g
def leidenalg_igraph(g, res, random_state=0)
Leidenalg clustering on an igraph object.
- The igraph object of connectivities.
- The resolution parameter for Leidenalg clustering.
, optional- The random state.
- [N, ] The clustered labels.
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def leidenalg_igraph(g, res, random_state=0): '''Leidenalg clustering on an igraph object. Parameters ---------- g : igraph The igraph object of connectivities. res : float The resolution parameter for Leidenalg clustering. random_state : int, optional The random state. Returns ---------- labels : np.array \([N, ]\) The clustered labels. ''' partition_kwargs = {} partition_type = leidenalg.RBConfigurationVertexPartition partition_kwargs["resolution_parameter"] = res partition_kwargs["seed"] = random_state part = leidenalg.find_partition( g, partition_type, **partition_kwargs, ) labels = np.array(part.membership) return labels
def plot_clusters(embed_z, labels, plot_labels=False, path=None)
Plot the clustering results.
- [N, 2] The latent variables after dimension reduction.
- [N, ] The clustered labels.
, optional- Whether to plot text of labels or not.
, optional- The path to save the figure.
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def plot_clusters(embed_z, labels, plot_labels=False, path=None): '''Plot the clustering results. Parameters ---------- embed_z : np.array \([N, 2]\) The latent variables after dimension reduction. labels : np.array \([N, ]\) The clustered labels. plot_labels : boolean, optional Whether to plot text of labels or not. path : str, optional The path to save the figure. ''' n_labels = len(np.unique(labels)) colors = [ for i in range(n_labels)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20, 10)) for i,l in enumerate(np.unique(labels)): ax.scatter(*embed_z[labels==l].T, c=[colors[i]], label=str(l), s=16, alpha=0.4) if plot_labels: ax.text(np.mean(embed_z[labels==l,0]), np.mean(embed_z[labels==l,1]), str(l), fontsize=16) plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[]) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9]) ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05), fancybox=True, shadow=True, markerscale=3, ncol=5) ax.set_title('Clustering') if path is not None: plt.savefig(path, dpi=300) plt.plot()
def plot_marker_gene(expression, gene_name: str, embed_z, path=None)
Plot the marker gene.
- [N, ] The expression of the marker gene.
- The name of the marker gene.
- [N, 2] The latent variables after dimension reduction.
, optional- The path to save the figure.
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def plot_marker_gene(expression, gene_name: str, embed_z, path=None): '''Plot the marker gene. Parameters ---------- expression : np.array \([N, ]\) The expression of the marker gene. gene_name : str The name of the marker gene. embed_z : np.array \([N, 2]\) The latent variables after dimension reduction. path : str, optional The path to save the figure. ''' fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20, 10)) cmap ='Reds') sc = ax.scatter(*embed_z.T, c='yellow', s=15, alpha=0.1) sc = ax.scatter(*embed_z.T, cmap=cmap, c=expression, s=10, alpha=0.5) plt.colorbar(sc, ax=[ax], location='right') plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax.set_title('Normalized expression of {}'.format(gene_name)) if path is not None: plt.savefig(path, dpi=300) return None
def plot_uncertainty(uncertainty, embed_z, path=None)
Plot the uncertainty for all selected cells.
- [N, ] The uncertainty of the all cells.
- [N, 2] The latent variables after dimension reduction.
, optional- The path to save the figure.
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def plot_uncertainty(uncertainty, embed_z, path=None): '''Plot the uncertainty for all selected cells. Parameters ---------- uncertainty : np.array \([N, ]\) The uncertainty of the all cells. embed_z : np.array \([N, 2]\) The latent variables after dimension reduction. path : str, optional The path to save the figure. ''' fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20, 10)) cmap ='RdBu_r') sc = ax.scatter(*embed_z.T, cmap=cmap, c=uncertainty, s=10, alpha=1.0) plt.colorbar(sc, ax=[ax], location='right') plt.setp(ax, xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax.set_title("Cells' Uncertainty") if path is not None: plt.savefig(path, dpi=300) return None
def DE_test(Y, X, gene_names, i_test, alpha: float = 0.05)
Differential gene expression test.
- n, the expression matrix.
- n,1+1+s the constant term, the pseudotime and the covariates.
- n, the names of all genes.
- The indices of covariates to be tested.
, optional- The cutoff of p-values.
- The test results of expressed genes with two columns, the estimated coefficients and the adjusted p-values.
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def DE_test(Y, X, gene_names, i_test, alpha: float = 0.05): '''Differential gene expression test. Parameters ---------- Y : numpy.array \(n,\) the expression matrix. X : numpy.array \(n,1+1+s\) the constant term, the pseudotime and the covariates. gene_names : numpy.array \(n,\) the names of all genes. i_test : numpy.array The indices of covariates to be tested. alpha : float, optional The cutoff of p-values. Returns ---------- res_df : pandas.DataFrame The test results of expressed genes with two columns, the estimated coefficients and the adjusted p-values. ''' pinv_wexog, singular_values = _pinv_extended(X) normalized_cov = pinv_wexog, np.transpose(pinv_wexog)) h = np.diag(,,X.T))) def _DE_test(wendog,pinv_wexog,h): if np.any(np.isnan(wendog)): return np.empty(2)*np.nan else: beta =, wendog) resid = wendog - X @ beta cov = _cov_hc3(h, pinv_wexog, resid) t = np.array([]) for j in i_test: if np.diag(cov)[j] == 0: _t = float("nan") else: _t = beta[j]/(np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)[j])+1e-6) t = np.append(t, _t) return np.r_[beta[i_test], t] res = np.apply_along_axis(lambda y: _DE_test(wendog=y, pinv_wexog=pinv_wexog, h=h), 0, Y).T res_df = pd.DataFrame() for i,j in enumerate(i_test): if 'median_abs_deviation' in dir(stats): sigma = stats.median_abs_deviation(res[:,len(i_test)+i], nan_policy='omit') else: sigma = stats.median_absolute_deviation(res[:,len(i_test)+i], nan_policy='omit') pdt_new_pval = np.array([stats.norm.sf(x)*2 for x in np.abs(res[:,len(i_test)+i]/sigma)]) new_adj_pval = _p_adjust_bh(pdt_new_pval) _res_df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[res[:,i], pdt_new_pval, new_adj_pval], index=gene_names, columns=['beta_{}'.format(j), 'pvalue_{}'.format(j), 'pvalue_adjusted_{}'.format(j)]) res_df = pd.concat([res_df, _res_df], axis=1) res_df = res_df[ (np.sum( res_df[ res_df.columns[ np.char.startswith( np.array(res_df.columns, dtype=str), 'pvalue_adjusted')] ] < alpha/len(i_test), axis=1 )>0) & np.any(~np.isnan(Y), axis=0)] # res_df = res_df.iloc[np.argsort(res_df.pvalue_adjusted).tolist(), :] return res_df
def load_data(path, file_name, return_dict=False)
Load h5df data.
- The path of the h5 files.
- The dataset name.
data : dict The dict containing count, grouping, etc. of the dataset.
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def load_data(path, file_name,return_dict = False): '''Load h5df data. Parameters ---------- path : str The path of the h5 files. file_name : str The dataset name. Returns: ---------- data : dict The dict containing count, grouping, etc. of the dataset. ''' data = {} with h5py.File(os.path.join(path, file_name+'.h5'), 'r') as f: data['count'] = np.array(f['count'], dtype=np.float32) dd = anndata.AnnData(X=data["count"]) dd.layers["count"] = data["count"].copy() data['grouping'] = np.array(f['grouping']).astype(str) dd.obs["grouping"] = data["grouping"] dd.obs["grouping"] = dd.obs["grouping"].astype("category") if 'gene_names' in f: data['gene_names'] = np.array(f['gene_names']).astype(str) dd.var.index = data["gene_names"] else: data['gene_names'] = None if 'cell_ids' in f: data['cell_ids'] = np.array(f['cell_ids']).astype(str) dd.obs.index = data["cell_ids"] else: data['cell_ids'] = None if 'days' in f: data['days'] = np.array(f['days']).astype(str) if 'milestone_network' in f: if file_name in ['linear','bifurcation','multifurcating','tree', "cycle_1", "cycle_2", "cycle_3", "linear_1", "linear_2", "linear_3", "trifurcating_1", "trifurcating_2", "bifurcating_1", 'bifurcating_2', "bifurcating_3", "converging_1"]: data['milestone_network'] = pd.DataFrame( np.array(np.array(list(f['milestone_network'])).tolist(), dtype=str), columns=['from','to','w'] ).astype({'w':np.float32}) else: data['milestone_network'] = pd.DataFrame( np.array(np.array(list(f['milestone_network'])).tolist(), dtype=str), columns=['from','to'] ) data['root_milestone_id'] = np.array(f['root_milestone_id']).astype(str)[0] else: data['milestone_net'] = None data['root_milestone_id'] = None if file_name in ['mouse_brain', 'mouse_brain_miller']: data['grouping'] = np.array(['%02d'%int(i) for i in data['grouping']], dtype=object) data['root_milestone_id'] = dict(zip(['mouse_brain', 'mouse_brain_miller'], ['06', '05']))[file_name] data['covariates'] = np.array(np.array(list(f['covariates'])).tolist(), dtype=np.float32) if file_name in ['mouse_brain_merged']: data['grouping'] = np.array(data['grouping'], dtype=object) data['root_milestone_id'] = np.array(f['root_milestone_id']).astype(str)[0] data['covariates'] = np.array(np.array(list(f['covariates'])).tolist(), dtype=np.float32) if file_name == 'dentate_withdays': data['covariates'] = np.array([item.decode('utf-8').replace('*', '') for item in f['days']], dtype=object) data['covariates'] = data['covariates'].astype(float).reshape(-1, 1) if file_name.startswith('human_hematopoiesis'): data['covariates'] = np.array(np.array(list(f['covariates'])[0], dtype=str).tolist()).reshape((-1,1)) data['type'] = type_dict[file_name] if data['type']=='non-UMI': scale_factor = np.sum(data['count'],axis=1, keepdims=True)/1e6 data['count'] = data['count']/scale_factor if data.get("covariates") is not None: cov = data.get("covariates") cov_name = ["covariate_" + str(i) for i in range(cov.shape[1])] dd.obs[cov_name] = cov if return_dict: return data,dd else: return dd
def compute_kernel(x, y, kernel='rbf', **kwargs)
Computes RBF kernel between x and y.
x: Tensor Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim] y: Tensor Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
The computed RBF kernel between x and y
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def compute_kernel(x, y, kernel='rbf', **kwargs): """Computes RBF kernel between x and y. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim] y: Tensor Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim] Returns ---------- The computed RBF kernel between x and y """ scales = kwargs.get("scales", []) if kernel == "rbf": x_size = K.shape(x)[0] y_size = K.shape(y)[0] dim = K.shape(x)[1] tiled_x = K.tile(K.reshape(x, K.stack([x_size, 1, dim])), K.stack([1, y_size, 1])) tiled_y = K.tile(K.reshape(y, K.stack([1, y_size, dim])), K.stack([x_size, 1, 1])) return K.exp(-K.mean(K.square(tiled_x - tiled_y), axis=2) / K.cast(dim, tf.float32)) elif kernel == 'raphy': scales = K.variable(value=np.asarray(scales)) squared_dist = K.expand_dims(squared_distance(x, y), 0) scales = K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(scales, -1), -1) weights = K.eval(K.shape(scales)[0]) weights = K.variable(value=np.asarray(weights)) weights = K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(weights, -1), -1) return K.sum(weights * K.exp(-squared_dist / (K.pow(scales, 2))), 0) elif kernel == "multi-scale-rbf": sigmas = [1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6] beta = 1. / (2. * (K.expand_dims(sigmas, 1))) distances = squared_distance(x, y) s =, K.reshape(distances, (1, -1))) return K.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.exp(-s), axis=0), K.shape(distances)) / len(sigmas)
def squared_distance(x, y)
Compute the pairwise euclidean distance.
- Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
- Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
The pairwise euclidean distance between x and y.
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def squared_distance(x, y): '''Compute the pairwise euclidean distance. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim] y: Tensor Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim] Returns ---------- The pairwise euclidean distance between x and y. ''' r = K.expand_dims(x, axis=1) return K.sum(K.square(r - y), axis=-1)
def compute_mmd(x, y, kernel, **kwargs)
Computes Maximum Mean Discrepancy(MMD) between x and y.
- Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
- Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim]
- The kernel type used in MMD. It can be 'rbf', 'multi-scale-rbf' or 'raphy'.
- The parameters used in kernel function.
The computed MMD between x and y
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def compute_mmd(x, y, kernel, **kwargs): """Computes Maximum Mean Discrepancy(MMD) between x and y. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim] y: Tensor Tensor with shape [batch_size, z_dim] kernel: str The kernel type used in MMD. It can be 'rbf', 'multi-scale-rbf' or 'raphy'. **kwargs: dict The parameters used in kernel function. Returns ---------- The computed MMD between x and y """ x_kernel = compute_kernel(x, x, kernel=kernel, **kwargs) y_kernel = compute_kernel(y, y, kernel=kernel, **kwargs) xy_kernel = compute_kernel(x, y, kernel=kernel, **kwargs) return K.mean(x_kernel) + K.mean(y_kernel) - 2 * K.mean(xy_kernel)
def sample_z(args)
Samples from standard Normal distribution with shape [size, z_dim] and applies re-parametrization trick. It is actually sampling from latent space distributions with N(mu, var) computed in
- List of [mu, log_var] computed in
The computed Tensor of samples with shape [size, z_dim].
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def sample_z(args): """Samples from standard Normal distribution with shape [size, z_dim] and applies re-parametrization trick. It is actually sampling from latent space distributions with N(mu, var) computed in `_encoder` function. Parameters ---------- args: list List of [mu, log_var] computed in `_encoder` function. Returns ---------- The computed Tensor of samples with shape [size, z_dim]. """ mu, log_var = args batch_size = K.shape(mu)[0] z_dim = K.int_shape(mu)[1] eps = K.random_normal(shape=[batch_size, z_dim]) return mu + K.exp(log_var / 2) * eps
class Early_Stopping (warmup=0, patience=10, tolerance=0.001, relative=False, is_minimize=True)
The early-stopping monitor.
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class Early_Stopping(): ''' The early-stopping monitor. ''' def __init__(self, warmup=0, patience=10, tolerance=1e-3, relative=False, is_minimize=True): self.warmup = warmup self.patience = patience self.tolerance = tolerance self.is_minimize = is_minimize self.relative = relative self.step = -1 self.best_step = -1 self.best_metric = np.inf if not self.is_minimize: self.factor = -1.0 else: self.factor = 1.0 def __call__(self, metric): self.step += 1 if self.step < self.warmup: return False elif (self.best_metric==np.inf) or \ (self.relative and (self.best_metric-metric)/self.best_metric > self.tolerance) or \ ((not self.relative) and self.factor*metric<self.factor*self.best_metric-self.tolerance): self.best_metric = metric self.best_step = self.step return False elif self.step - self.best_step>self.patience: print('Best Epoch: %d. Best Metric: %f.'%(self.best_step, self.best_metric)) return True else: return False