Module VITAE.model

Expand source code
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer, Dense, BatchNormalization
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow.keras.utils import Progbar
from .utils import compute_mmd, _nelem, _nan2zero, _nan2inf, _reduce_mean
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K

class cdf_layer(Layer):
    The Normal cdf layer with custom gradients.
    def __init__(self):
        super(cdf_layer, self).__init__()
    def call(self, x):
        return self.func(x)
    def func(self, x):
        '''Return cdf(x) and pdf(x).

        x : tf.Tensor
            The input tensor.
        f : tf.Tensor
        grad : tf.Tensor
        dist = tfp.distributions.Normal(
            loc = tf.constant(0.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
            scale = tf.constant(1.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
        f = dist.cdf(x)
        def grad(dy):
            gradient = dist.prob(x)
            return dy * gradient
        return f, grad

class Sampling(Layer):
    """Sampling latent variable \(z\) from \(N(\\mu_z, \\log \\sigma_z^2\)).    
    Used in Encoder.
    def __init__(self, seed=0, **kwargs):
        super(Sampling, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.seed = seed

    def call(self, z_mean, z_log_var):
        '''Return cdf(x) and pdf(x).

        z_mean : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The mean of \(z\).
        z_log_var : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The log-variance of \(z\).

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The sampled \(z\).
   #     seed = tfp.util.SeedStream(self.seed, salt="random_normal")
   #     epsilon = tf.random.normal(shape = tf.shape(z_mean), seed=seed(), dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())
        epsilon = tf.random.normal(shape = tf.shape(z_mean), dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())
        z = z_mean + tf.exp(0.5 * z_log_var) * epsilon
        z = tf.clip_by_value(z, -1e6, 1e6)
        return z

class Encoder(Layer):
    Encoder, model \(p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    def __init__(self, dimensions, dim_latent, name='encoder', **kwargs):
        dimensions : np.array
            The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
        dim_latent : int
            The latent dimension of the encoder.
        name : str, optional
            The name of the layer.
        **kwargs : 
            Extra keyword arguments.
        super(Encoder, self).__init__(name = name, **kwargs)
        self.dense_layers = [Dense(dim, activation = tf.nn.leaky_relu,
                                          name = 'encoder_%i'%(i+1)) \
                             for (i, dim) in enumerate(dimensions)]
        self.batch_norm_layers = [BatchNormalization(center=False) \
                                    for _ in range(len((dimensions)))]
        self.latent_mean = Dense(dim_latent, name = 'latent_mean')
        self.latent_log_var = Dense(dim_latent, name = 'latent_log_var')
        self.sampling = Sampling()
    def call(self, x, L=1, is_training=True):
        '''Encode the inputs and get the latent variables.

        x : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The input.
        L : int, optional
            The number of MC samples.
        is_training : boolean, optional
            Whether in the training or inference mode.
        z_mean : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The mean of \(z\).
        z_log_var : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The log-variance of \(z\).
        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The sampled \(z\).
        for dense, bn in zip(self.dense_layers, self.batch_norm_layers):
            x = dense(x)
            x = bn(x, training=is_training)
        z_mean = self.batch_norm_layers[-1](self.latent_mean(x), training=is_training)
        z_log_var = self.latent_log_var(x)
        _z_mean = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(z_mean, 1), (1,L,1))
        _z_log_var = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(z_log_var, 1), (1,L,1))
        z = self.sampling(_z_mean, _z_log_var)
        return z_mean, z_log_var, z

class Decoder(Layer):
    Decoder, model \(p(Y_i|Z_i,X_i)\).
    def __init__(self, dimensions, dim_origin, data_type = 'UMI', 
                name = 'decoder', **kwargs):
        dimensions : np.array
            The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
        dim_origin : int
            The output dimension of the decoder.
        data_type : str, optional
            `'UMI'`, `'non-UMI'`, or `'Gaussian'`.
        name : str, optional
            The name of the layer.
        super(Decoder, self).__init__(name = name, **kwargs)
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.dense_layers = [Dense(dim, activation = tf.nn.leaky_relu,
                                          name = 'decoder_%i'%(i+1)) \
                             for (i,dim) in enumerate(dimensions)]
        self.batch_norm_layers = [BatchNormalization(center=False) \
                                    for _ in range(len((dimensions)))]

        if data_type=='Gaussian':
            self.nu_z = Dense(dim_origin, name = 'nu_z')
            # common variance
            self.log_tau = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, dim_origin], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()),
                                 constraint = lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t,-30.,6.),
                                 name = "log_tau")
            self.log_lambda_z = Dense(dim_origin, name = 'log_lambda_z')

            # dispersion parameter
            self.log_r = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, dim_origin], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()),
                                     constraint = lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t,-30.,6.),
                                     name = "log_r")
            if self.data_type == 'non-UMI':
                self.phi = Dense(dim_origin, activation = 'sigmoid', name = "phi")
    def call(self, z, is_training=True):
        '''Decode the latent variables and get the reconstructions.

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) the sampled \(z\).
        is_training : boolean, optional
            whether in the training or inference mode.

        When `data_type=='Gaussian'`:

        nu_z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        tau : tf.Tensor
            \([1, G]\) The variance of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).

        When `data_type=='UMI'`:

        lambda_z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        r : tf.Tensor
            \([1, G]\) The dispersion parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).

        When `data_type=='non-UMI'`:

        lambda_z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        r : tf.Tensor
            \([1, G]\) The dispersion parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        phi_z : tf.Tensor
            \([1, G]\) The zero inflated parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        for dense, bn in zip(self.dense_layers, self.batch_norm_layers):
            z = dense(z)
            z = bn(z, training=is_training)
        if self.data_type=='Gaussian':
            nu_z = self.nu_z(z)
            tau = tf.exp(self.log_tau)
            return nu_z, tau
            lambda_z = tf.math.exp(
                tf.clip_by_value(self.log_lambda_z(z), -30., 6.)
            r = tf.exp(self.log_r)
            if self.data_type=='UMI':
                return lambda_z, r
                return lambda_z, r, self.phi(z)

class LatentSpace(Layer):
    Layer for the Latent Space.
    def __init__(self, n_clusters, dim_latent,
            name = 'LatentSpace', seed=0, **kwargs):
        n_clusters : int
            The number of vertices in the latent space.
        dim_latent : int
            The latent dimension.
        M : int, optional
            The discretized number of uniform(0,1).
        name : str, optional
            The name of the layer.
        **kwargs : 
            Extra keyword arguments.
        super(LatentSpace, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
        self.dim_latent = dim_latent
        self.n_states = n_clusters
        self.n_categories = int(n_clusters*(n_clusters+1)/2)

        # nonzero indexes
        # A = [0,0,...,0  , 1,1,...,1,   ...]
        # B = [0,1,...,k-1, 1,2,...,k-1, ...]
        self.A, self.B = np.nonzero(np.triu(np.ones(n_clusters)))
        self.A = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.A, tf.int32)
        self.B = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.B, tf.int32)
        self.clusters_ind = tf.boolean_mask(
            tf.range(0,self.n_categories,1), self.A==self.B)

        # [pi_1, ... , pi_K] in R^(n_categories)
        self.pi = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1, self.n_categories], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()) / self.n_categories,
                                name = 'pi')
        # [mu_1, ... , mu_K] in R^(dim_latent * n_clusters) = tf.Variable(tf.random.uniform([self.dim_latent, self.n_states],
                                                minval = -1, maxval = 1, seed=seed, dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()),
                                name = 'mu')
        self.cdf_layer = cdf_layer()       
    def initialize(self, mu, log_pi):
        '''Initialize the latent space.

        mu : np.array
            \([d, k]\) The position matrix.
        log_pi : np.array
            \([1, K]\) \(\\log\\pi\).
        # Initialize parameters of the latent space
        if mu is not None:
        if log_pi is not None:

    def normalize(self):
        '''Normalize \(\\pi\).
        self.pi = tf.nn.softmax(self.pi)

    def _get_normal_params(self, z, pi):
        batch_size = tf.shape(z)[0]
        L = tf.shape(z)[1]
        # [batch_size, L, n_categories]
        if pi is None:
            # [batch_size, L, n_states]
            temp_pi = tf.tile(
                tf.expand_dims(tf.nn.softmax(self.pi), 1),
            temp_pi = tf.expand_dims(tf.nn.softmax(pi), 1)

        # [batch_size, L, d, n_categories]
        alpha_zc = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(
            tf.gather(, self.B, axis=1) - tf.gather(, self.A, axis=1), 0), 0)
        beta_zc = tf.expand_dims(z,-1) - \
            tf.gather(, self.B, axis=1), 0), 0)
        # [batch_size, L, n_categories]
        inv_sig = tf.reduce_sum(alpha_zc * alpha_zc, axis=2)
        nu = - tf.reduce_sum(alpha_zc * beta_zc, axis=2) * tf.math.reciprocal_no_nan(inv_sig)
        _t = - tf.reduce_sum(beta_zc * beta_zc, axis=2) + nu**2*inv_sig
        return temp_pi, beta_zc, inv_sig, nu, _t
    def _get_pz(self, temp_pi, inv_sig, beta_zc, log_p_z_c_L):
        # [batch_size, L, n_categories]
        log_p_zc_L = - 0.5 * self.dim_latent * tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + \
            tf.math.log(temp_pi) + \
                    - 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(beta_zc**2, axis=2), 
        # [batch_size, L, 1]
        log_p_z_L = tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_p_zc_L, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        # [1, ]
        log_p_z = tf.reduce_mean(log_p_z_L)
        return log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z
    def _get_posterior_c(self, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L):
        L = tf.shape(log_p_z_L)[1]

        # log_p_c_x     -   predicted probability distribution
        # [batch_size, n_categories]
        log_p_c_x = tf.reduce_logsumexp(
                        log_p_zc_L - log_p_z_L,
                    axis=1) - tf.math.log(tf.cast(L, tf.keras.backend.floatx()))
        return log_p_c_x

    def _get_inference(self, z, log_p_z_L, temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2):
        batch_size = tf.shape(z)[0]
        L = tf.shape(z)[1]
        dist = tfp.distributions.Normal(
            loc = tf.constant(0.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
            scale = tf.constant(1.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
        # [batch_size, L, n_categories, n_clusters]
        inv_sig = tf.expand_dims(inv_sig, -1)
        _sig = tf.tile(tf.clip_by_value(tf.math.reciprocal_no_nan(inv_sig), 1e-12, 1e30), (1,1,1,self.n_states))
        log_eta0 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(log_eta0, -1), (1,1,1,self.n_states))
        eta1 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(eta1, -1), (1,1,1,self.n_states))
        eta2 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(eta2, -1), (1,1,1,self.n_states))
        nu = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(nu, -1), (1,1,1,1))
        A = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(
            tf.one_hot(self.A, self.n_states, dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
            0),0), (batch_size,L,1,1))
        B = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(
            tf.one_hot(self.B, self.n_states, dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
            0),0), (batch_size,L,1,1))
        temp_pi = tf.expand_dims(temp_pi, -1)

        # w_tilde [batch_size, L, n_clusters]
        w_tilde = log_eta0 + tf.math.log(
                (dist.cdf(eta1) - dist.cdf(eta2)) * (nu * A + (1-nu) * B)  -
                (dist.prob(eta1) - dist.prob(eta2)) * tf.math.sqrt(_sig) * (A - B), 
                0.0, 1e30)
        w_tilde = - 0.5 * self.dim_latent * tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + \
            tf.math.log(temp_pi) + \
                    tf.where(B==1, - 0.5 * tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(beta_zc**2, axis=2), -1), -np.inf), 
        w_tilde = tf.exp(tf.reduce_logsumexp(w_tilde, 2) - log_p_z_L)

        # tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(
        #     tf.reduce_sum(w_tilde, -1), tf.ones([batch_size, L], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())*0.99, 
        #     message='Wrong w_tilde', summarize=None, name=None
        # )
        # var_w_tilde [batch_size, L, n_clusters]
        var_w_tilde = log_eta0 + tf.math.log(
                (dist.cdf(eta1) -  dist.cdf(eta2)) * ((_sig + nu**2) * (A+B) + (1-2*nu) * B)  -
                (dist.prob(eta1) - dist.prob(eta2)) * tf.math.sqrt(_sig) * (nu *(A+B)-B )*2 -
                (eta1*dist.prob(eta1) - eta2*dist.prob(eta2)) * _sig *(A+B), 
                0.0, 1e30)
        var_w_tilde = - 0.5 * self.dim_latent * tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + \
            tf.math.log(temp_pi) + \
                    tf.where(B==1, - 0.5 * tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(beta_zc**2, axis=2), -1), -np.inf), 
        var_w_tilde = tf.exp(tf.reduce_logsumexp(var_w_tilde, 2) - log_p_z_L) - w_tilde**2  

        w_tilde = tf.reduce_mean(w_tilde, 1)
        var_w_tilde = tf.reduce_mean(var_w_tilde, 1)
        return w_tilde, var_w_tilde

    def get_pz(self, z, eps, pi):
        '''Get \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.

        temp_pi : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\pi\).
        inv_sig : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\sigma_{Z_ic_i}^{-1}\).
        nu : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\nu_{Z_ic_i}\).
        beta_zc : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d, K]\) \(\\beta_{Z_ic_i}\).
        log_eta0 : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\log\\eta_{Z_ic_i,0}\).
        eta1 : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\eta_{Z_ic_i,1}\).
        eta2 : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\eta_{Z_ic_i,2}\).
        log_p_zc_L : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\log p(Z_i,c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        log_p_z_L : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L]\) \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        log_p_z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, 1]\) The estimated \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\). 
        temp_pi, beta_zc, inv_sig, nu, _t = self._get_normal_params(z, pi)
        temp_pi = tf.clip_by_value(temp_pi, eps, 1.0)

        log_eta0 = 0.5 * (tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) - \
                    tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30)) + _t)
        eta1 = (1-nu) * tf.math.sqrt(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30))
        eta2 = -nu * tf.math.sqrt(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30))

        log_p_z_c_L =  log_eta0 + tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(
            self.cdf_layer(eta1) - self.cdf_layer(eta2),
            eps, 1e30))
        log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z = self._get_pz(temp_pi, inv_sig, beta_zc, log_p_z_c_L)
        return temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z

    def get_posterior_c(self, z):
        '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.

        p_c_x : np.array
            \([B, K]\) \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        _,_,_,_,_,_,_, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, _ = self.get_pz(z)
        log_p_c_x = self._get_posterior_c(log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L)
        p_c_x = tf.exp(log_p_c_x).numpy()
        return p_c_x

    def call(self, z, pi=None, inference=False):
        '''Get posterior estimations.

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.
        inference : boolean
            Whether in training or inference mode.

        When `inference=False`:

        log_p_z_L : tf.Tensor
            \([B, 1]\) The estimated \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        When `inference=True`:

        res : dict
            The dict of posterior estimations - \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(c\), \(E(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(Var(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(D_{JS}\).
        eps = 1e-16 if not inference else 0.
        temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z = self.get_pz(z, eps, pi)

        if not inference:
            return log_p_z
            log_p_c_x = self._get_posterior_c(log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L)
            w_tilde, var_w_tilde = self._get_inference(z, log_p_z_L, temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2)
            res = {}
            res['p_c_x'] = tf.exp(log_p_c_x).numpy()
            res['w_tilde'] = w_tilde.numpy()
            res['var_w_tilde'] = var_w_tilde.numpy()
            return res
class VariationalAutoEncoder(tf.keras.Model):
    Combines the encoder, decoder and LatentSpace into an end-to-end model for training and inference.
    def __init__(self, dim_origin, dimensions, dim_latent,
                 data_type = 'UMI', has_cov=False,
                 name = 'autoencoder', **kwargs):
        dim_origin : int
            The output dimension of the decoder.        
        dimensions : np.array
            The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
        dim_latent : int
            The latent dimension.
        data_type : str, optional
            `'UMI'`, `'non-UMI'`, or `'Gaussian'`.
        has_cov : boolean
            Whether has covariates or not.
        gamma : float, optional
            The weights of the MMD loss
        name : str, optional
            The name of the layer.
        **kwargs : 
            Extra keyword arguments.
        super(VariationalAutoEncoder, self).__init__(name = name, **kwargs)
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.dim_origin = dim_origin
        self.dim_latent = dim_latent
        self.encoder = Encoder(dimensions, dim_latent)
        self.decoder = Decoder(dimensions[::-1], dim_origin, data_type, data_type)        
        self.has_cov = has_cov
    def init_latent_space(self, n_clusters, mu, log_pi=None):
        '''Initialze the latent space.

        n_clusters : int
            The number of vertices in the latent space.
        mu : np.array
            \([d, k]\) The position matrix.
        log_pi : np.array, optional
            \([1, K]\) \(\\log\\pi\).
        self.n_states = n_clusters
        self.latent_space = LatentSpace(self.n_states, self.dim_latent)
        self.latent_space.initialize(mu, log_pi)
        self.pilayer = None

    def create_pilayer(self):
        self.pilayer = Dense(self.latent_space.n_categories, name = 'pi_layer')

    def call(self, x_normalized, c_score, x = None, scale_factor = 1,
             pre_train = False, L=1, alpha=0.0, gamma = 0.0, phi = 1.0, conditions = None, pi_cov = None):
        '''Feed forward through encoder, LatentSpace layer and decoder.

        x_normalized : np.array
            \([B, G]\) The preprocessed data.
        c_score : np.array
            \([B, s]\) The covariates \(X_i\), only used when `has_cov=True`.
        x : np.array, optional
            \([B, G]\) The original count data \(Y_i\), only used when data_type is not `'Gaussian'`.
        scale_factor : np.array, optional
            \([B, ]\) The scale factors, only used when data_type is not `'Gaussian'`.
        pre_train : boolean, optional
            Whether in the pre-training phare or not.
        L : int, optional
            The number of MC samples.
        alpha : float, optional
            The penalty parameter for covariates adjustment.
        gamma : float, optional
            The weight of mmd loss
        phi : float, optional
            The weight of Jacob norm of the encoder.
        conditions: str or list, optional
            The conditions of different cells from the selected batch

        losses : float
            the loss.

        if not pre_train and self.latent_space is None:
            raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
        if self.has_cov:
            x_normalized = tf.concat([x_normalized, c_score], -1)
        _, z_log_var, z = self.encoder(x_normalized, L)

        if gamma == 0:
            mmd_loss = 0.0
            mmd_loss = self._get_total_mmd_loss(conditions,z,gamma)

        z_in = tf.concat([z, tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(c_score,1), (1,L,1))], -1) if self.has_cov else z
        x = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(x, 1), (1,L,1))
        reconstruction_z_loss = self._get_reconstruction_loss(x, z_in, scale_factor, L)
        if self.has_cov and alpha>0.0:
            zero_in = tf.concat([tf.zeros([z.shape[0],1,z.shape[2]], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
                                tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(c_score,1), (1,1,1))], -1)
            reconstruction_zero_loss = self._get_reconstruction_loss(x, zero_in, scale_factor, 1)
            reconstruction_z_loss = (1-alpha)*reconstruction_z_loss + alpha*reconstruction_zero_loss

        J_norm = self._get_Jacob(x_normalized, L)
        self.add_loss((phi * J_norm))
        # gamma weight has been used when call _mmd_loss function.

        if not pre_train:
            pi = self.pilayer(pi_cov) if self.pilayer is not None else None
            log_p_z = self.latent_space(z, pi, inference=False)

            # - E_q[log p(z)]
            self.add_loss(- log_p_z)

            # - Eq[log q(z|x)]
            E_qzx = - tf.reduce_mean(
                            0.5 * self.dim_latent *
                            (tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + 1.0) +
                            0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(z_log_var, axis=-1)
        return self.losses
    def _get_reconstruction_loss(self, x, z_in, scale_factor, L):
        if self.data_type=='Gaussian':
            # Gaussian Log-Likelihood Loss function
            nu_z, tau = self.decoder(z_in)
            neg_E_Gaus = 0.5 * tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(tau, 1e-12, 1e30)) + 0.5 * tf.math.square(x - nu_z) / tau
            neg_E_Gaus = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(neg_E_Gaus, axis=-1))

            return neg_E_Gaus
            if self.data_type == 'UMI':
                x_hat, r = self.decoder(z_in)
                x_hat, r, phi = self.decoder(z_in)

            x_hat = x_hat*tf.expand_dims(scale_factor, -1)

            # Negative Log-Likelihood Loss function

            # Ref for NB & ZINB loss functions:
            # Negative Binomial loss

            neg_E_nb = tf.math.lgamma(r) + tf.math.lgamma(x+1.0) \
                        - tf.math.lgamma(x+r) + \
                        (r+x) * tf.math.log(1.0 + (x_hat/r)) + \
                        x * (tf.math.log(r) - tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(x_hat, 1e-12, 1e30)))
            if self.data_type == 'non-UMI':
                # Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial loss
                nb_case = neg_E_nb - tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(1.0-phi, 1e-12, 1e30))
                zero_case = - tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(
                    phi + (1.0-phi) * tf.pow(r * tf.math.reciprocal_no_nan(r + x_hat), r),
                    1e-12, 1e30))
                neg_E_nb = tf.where(tf.less(x, 1e-8), zero_case, nb_case)

            neg_E_nb = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(neg_E_nb, axis=-1))
            return neg_E_nb

    def _get_total_mmd_loss(self,conditions,z,gamma):
        mmd_loss = 0.0
        conditions = tf.cast(conditions,tf.int32)
        n_group = conditions.shape[1]

        for i in range(n_group):
            sub_conditions = conditions[:, i]
            # 0 means not participant in mmd
            z_cond = z[sub_conditions != 0]
            sub_conditions = sub_conditions[sub_conditions != 0]
            n_sub_group = tf.unique(sub_conditions)[0].shape[0]
            real_labels = K.reshape(sub_conditions, (-1,)).numpy()
            unique_set = list(set(real_labels))
            reindex_dict = dict(zip(unique_set, range(n_sub_group)))
            real_labels = [reindex_dict[x] for x in real_labels]
            real_labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(real_labels,dtype=tf.int32)

            if (n_sub_group == 1) | (n_sub_group == 0):
                _loss = 0
                _loss = self._mmd_loss(real_labels=real_labels, y_pred=z_cond, gamma=gamma,
            mmd_loss = mmd_loss + _loss
        return mmd_loss

    # each loop the inputed shape is changed. Can not use @tf.function
    # tf graph requires static shape and tensor dtype
    def _mmd_loss(self, real_labels, y_pred, gamma, n_conditions, kernel_method='multi-scale-rbf',
        conditions_mmd = tf.dynamic_partition(y_pred, real_labels, num_partitions=n_conditions)
        loss = 0.0
        if computation_method.isdigit():
            boundary = int(computation_method)
            ## every pair of groups will calculate a distance
            for i in range(boundary):
                for j in range(boundary, n_conditions):
                    loss += _nan2zero(compute_mmd(conditions_mmd[i], conditions_mmd[j], kernel_method))
            for i in range(len(conditions_mmd)):
                for j in range(i):
                    loss += _nan2zero(compute_mmd(conditions_mmd[i], conditions_mmd[j], kernel_method))

        # print("The loss is ", loss)
        return gamma * loss

    def _get_Jacob(self, x, L):
        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            z_mean, z_log_var, z = self.encoder(x, L)
            # y_mean, y_log_var = self.decoder(z)
        ## just jacobian will cause shape (batch,16,batch,64) matrix
        J = g.batch_jacobian(z, x)
        J_norm = tf.norm(J)
        # tf.print(J_norm)

        return J_norm
    def get_z(self, x_normalized, c_score):    
        '''Get \(q(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        x_normalized : int
            \([B, G]\) The preprocessed data.
        c_score : np.array
            \([B, s]\) The covariates \(X_i\), only used when `has_cov=True`.

        z_mean : np.array
            \([B, d]\) The latent mean.
        x_normalized = x_normalized if (not self.has_cov or c_score is None) else tf.concat([x_normalized, c_score], -1)
        z_mean, _, _ = self.encoder(x_normalized, 1, False)
        return z_mean.numpy()

    def get_pc_x(self, test_dataset):
        '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        test_dataset : tf.Dataset
            the dataset object.

        pi_norm : np.array
            \([1, K]\) The estimated \(\\pi\).
        p_c_x : np.array
            \([N, ]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        if self.latent_space is None:
            raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
        pi_norm = tf.nn.softmax(self.latent_space.pi).numpy()
        p_c_x = []
        for x,c_score in test_dataset:
            x = tf.concat([x, c_score], -1) if self.has_cov else x
            _, _, z = self.encoder(x, 1, False)
            _p_c_x = self.latent_space.get_posterior_c(z)            
        p_c_x = np.concatenate(p_c_x)         
        return pi_norm, p_c_x

    def inference(self, test_dataset, L=1):
        '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        test_dataset : tf.Dataset
            The dataset object.
        L : int
            The number of MC samples.

        pi_norm  : np.array
            \([1, K]\) The estimated \(\\pi\).
        mu : np.array
            \([d, k]\) The estimated \(\\mu\).
        p_c_x : np.array
            \([N, ]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        w_tilde : np.array
            \([N, k]\) The estimated \(E(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        var_w_tilde  : np.array 
            \([N, k]\) The estimated \(Var(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        z_mean : np.array
            \([N, d]\) The estimated latent mean.
        if self.latent_space is None:
            raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
        print('Computing posterior estimations over mini-batches.')
        progbar = Progbar(test_dataset.cardinality().numpy())
        pi_norm = tf.nn.softmax(self.latent_space.pi).numpy()
        mu =
        z_mean = []
        p_c_x = []
        w_tilde = []
        var_w_tilde = []
        for step, (x,c_score, _, _) in enumerate(test_dataset):
            x = tf.concat([x, c_score], -1) if self.has_cov else x
            _z_mean, _, z = self.encoder(x, L, False)
            res = self.latent_space(z, inference=True)

        z_mean = np.concatenate(z_mean)
        p_c_x = np.concatenate(p_c_x)
        w_tilde = np.concatenate(w_tilde)
        w_tilde /= np.sum(w_tilde, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        var_w_tilde = np.concatenate(var_w_tilde)
        return pi_norm, mu, p_c_x, w_tilde, var_w_tilde, z_mean


class cdf_layer (*args, **kwargs)

The Normal cdf layer with custom gradients.

Expand source code
class cdf_layer(Layer):
    The Normal cdf layer with custom gradients.
    def __init__(self):
        super(cdf_layer, self).__init__()
    def call(self, x):
        return self.func(x)
    def func(self, x):
        '''Return cdf(x) and pdf(x).

        x : tf.Tensor
            The input tensor.
        f : tf.Tensor
        grad : tf.Tensor
        dist = tfp.distributions.Normal(
            loc = tf.constant(0.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
            scale = tf.constant(1.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
        f = dist.cdf(x)
        def grad(dy):
            gradient = dist.prob(x)
            return dy * gradient
        return f, grad


  • keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
  • tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.autotrackable.AutoTrackable
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.base.Trackable
  • keras.utils.version_utils.LayerVersionSelector


def call(self, x)
Expand source code
def call(self, x):
    return self.func(x)
def func(self, x)

Return cdf(x) and pdf(x).


x : tf.Tensor
The input tensor.


f : tf.Tensor
grad : tf.Tensor
Expand source code
def func(self, x):
    '''Return cdf(x) and pdf(x).

    x : tf.Tensor
        The input tensor.
    f : tf.Tensor
    grad : tf.Tensor
    dist = tfp.distributions.Normal(
        loc = tf.constant(0.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
        scale = tf.constant(1.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
    f = dist.cdf(x)
    def grad(dy):
        gradient = dist.prob(x)
        return dy * gradient
    return f, grad
class Sampling (*args, **kwargs)

Sampling latent variable z from N(\mu_z, \log \sigma_z^2).
Used in Encoder.

Expand source code
class Sampling(Layer):
    """Sampling latent variable \(z\) from \(N(\\mu_z, \\log \\sigma_z^2\)).    
    Used in Encoder.
    def __init__(self, seed=0, **kwargs):
        super(Sampling, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.seed = seed

    def call(self, z_mean, z_log_var):
        '''Return cdf(x) and pdf(x).

        z_mean : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The mean of \(z\).
        z_log_var : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The log-variance of \(z\).

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The sampled \(z\).
   #     seed = tfp.util.SeedStream(self.seed, salt="random_normal")
   #     epsilon = tf.random.normal(shape = tf.shape(z_mean), seed=seed(), dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())
        epsilon = tf.random.normal(shape = tf.shape(z_mean), dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())
        z = z_mean + tf.exp(0.5 * z_log_var) * epsilon
        z = tf.clip_by_value(z, -1e6, 1e6)
        return z


  • keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
  • tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.autotrackable.AutoTrackable
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.base.Trackable
  • keras.utils.version_utils.LayerVersionSelector


def call(self, z_mean, z_log_var)

Return cdf(x) and pdf(x).


z_mean : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The mean of z.
z_log_var : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The log-variance of z.


z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The sampled z.
Expand source code
 def call(self, z_mean, z_log_var):
     '''Return cdf(x) and pdf(x).

     z_mean : tf.Tensor
         \([B, L, d]\) The mean of \(z\).
     z_log_var : tf.Tensor
         \([B, L, d]\) The log-variance of \(z\).

     z : tf.Tensor
         \([B, L, d]\) The sampled \(z\).
#     seed = tfp.util.SeedStream(self.seed, salt="random_normal")
#     epsilon = tf.random.normal(shape = tf.shape(z_mean), seed=seed(), dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())
     epsilon = tf.random.normal(shape = tf.shape(z_mean), dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())
     z = z_mean + tf.exp(0.5 * z_log_var) * epsilon
     z = tf.clip_by_value(z, -1e6, 1e6)
     return z
class Encoder (*args, **kwargs)

Encoder, model p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i).


dimensions : np.array
The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
dim_latent : int
The latent dimension of the encoder.
name : str, optional
The name of the layer.
Extra keyword arguments.
Expand source code
class Encoder(Layer):
    Encoder, model \(p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    def __init__(self, dimensions, dim_latent, name='encoder', **kwargs):
        dimensions : np.array
            The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
        dim_latent : int
            The latent dimension of the encoder.
        name : str, optional
            The name of the layer.
        **kwargs : 
            Extra keyword arguments.
        super(Encoder, self).__init__(name = name, **kwargs)
        self.dense_layers = [Dense(dim, activation = tf.nn.leaky_relu,
                                          name = 'encoder_%i'%(i+1)) \
                             for (i, dim) in enumerate(dimensions)]
        self.batch_norm_layers = [BatchNormalization(center=False) \
                                    for _ in range(len((dimensions)))]
        self.latent_mean = Dense(dim_latent, name = 'latent_mean')
        self.latent_log_var = Dense(dim_latent, name = 'latent_log_var')
        self.sampling = Sampling()
    def call(self, x, L=1, is_training=True):
        '''Encode the inputs and get the latent variables.

        x : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The input.
        L : int, optional
            The number of MC samples.
        is_training : boolean, optional
            Whether in the training or inference mode.
        z_mean : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The mean of \(z\).
        z_log_var : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The log-variance of \(z\).
        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The sampled \(z\).
        for dense, bn in zip(self.dense_layers, self.batch_norm_layers):
            x = dense(x)
            x = bn(x, training=is_training)
        z_mean = self.batch_norm_layers[-1](self.latent_mean(x), training=is_training)
        z_log_var = self.latent_log_var(x)
        _z_mean = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(z_mean, 1), (1,L,1))
        _z_log_var = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(z_log_var, 1), (1,L,1))
        z = self.sampling(_z_mean, _z_log_var)
        return z_mean, z_log_var, z


  • keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
  • tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.autotrackable.AutoTrackable
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.base.Trackable
  • keras.utils.version_utils.LayerVersionSelector


def call(self, x, L=1, is_training=True)

Encode the inputs and get the latent variables.


x : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The input.
L : int, optional
The number of MC samples.
is_training : boolean, optional
Whether in the training or inference mode.


z_mean : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The mean of z.
z_log_var : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The log-variance of z.
z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The sampled z.
Expand source code
def call(self, x, L=1, is_training=True):
    '''Encode the inputs and get the latent variables.

    x : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d]\) The input.
    L : int, optional
        The number of MC samples.
    is_training : boolean, optional
        Whether in the training or inference mode.
    z_mean : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d]\) The mean of \(z\).
    z_log_var : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d]\) The log-variance of \(z\).
    z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d]\) The sampled \(z\).
    for dense, bn in zip(self.dense_layers, self.batch_norm_layers):
        x = dense(x)
        x = bn(x, training=is_training)
    z_mean = self.batch_norm_layers[-1](self.latent_mean(x), training=is_training)
    z_log_var = self.latent_log_var(x)
    _z_mean = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(z_mean, 1), (1,L,1))
    _z_log_var = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(z_log_var, 1), (1,L,1))
    z = self.sampling(_z_mean, _z_log_var)
    return z_mean, z_log_var, z
class Decoder (*args, **kwargs)

Decoder, model p(Y_i|Z_i,X_i).


dimensions : np.array
The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
dim_origin : int
The output dimension of the decoder.
data_type : str, optional
'UMI', 'non-UMI', or 'Gaussian'.
name : str, optional
The name of the layer.
Expand source code
class Decoder(Layer):
    Decoder, model \(p(Y_i|Z_i,X_i)\).
    def __init__(self, dimensions, dim_origin, data_type = 'UMI', 
                name = 'decoder', **kwargs):
        dimensions : np.array
            The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
        dim_origin : int
            The output dimension of the decoder.
        data_type : str, optional
            `'UMI'`, `'non-UMI'`, or `'Gaussian'`.
        name : str, optional
            The name of the layer.
        super(Decoder, self).__init__(name = name, **kwargs)
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.dense_layers = [Dense(dim, activation = tf.nn.leaky_relu,
                                          name = 'decoder_%i'%(i+1)) \
                             for (i,dim) in enumerate(dimensions)]
        self.batch_norm_layers = [BatchNormalization(center=False) \
                                    for _ in range(len((dimensions)))]

        if data_type=='Gaussian':
            self.nu_z = Dense(dim_origin, name = 'nu_z')
            # common variance
            self.log_tau = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, dim_origin], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()),
                                 constraint = lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t,-30.,6.),
                                 name = "log_tau")
            self.log_lambda_z = Dense(dim_origin, name = 'log_lambda_z')

            # dispersion parameter
            self.log_r = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, dim_origin], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()),
                                     constraint = lambda t: tf.clip_by_value(t,-30.,6.),
                                     name = "log_r")
            if self.data_type == 'non-UMI':
                self.phi = Dense(dim_origin, activation = 'sigmoid', name = "phi")
    def call(self, z, is_training=True):
        '''Decode the latent variables and get the reconstructions.

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) the sampled \(z\).
        is_training : boolean, optional
            whether in the training or inference mode.

        When `data_type=='Gaussian'`:

        nu_z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        tau : tf.Tensor
            \([1, G]\) The variance of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).

        When `data_type=='UMI'`:

        lambda_z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        r : tf.Tensor
            \([1, G]\) The dispersion parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).

        When `data_type=='non-UMI'`:

        lambda_z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        r : tf.Tensor
            \([1, G]\) The dispersion parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        phi_z : tf.Tensor
            \([1, G]\) The zero inflated parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
        for dense, bn in zip(self.dense_layers, self.batch_norm_layers):
            z = dense(z)
            z = bn(z, training=is_training)
        if self.data_type=='Gaussian':
            nu_z = self.nu_z(z)
            tau = tf.exp(self.log_tau)
            return nu_z, tau
            lambda_z = tf.math.exp(
                tf.clip_by_value(self.log_lambda_z(z), -30., 6.)
            r = tf.exp(self.log_r)
            if self.data_type=='UMI':
                return lambda_z, r
                return lambda_z, r, self.phi(z)


  • keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
  • tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.autotrackable.AutoTrackable
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.base.Trackable
  • keras.utils.version_utils.LayerVersionSelector


def call(self, z, is_training=True)

Decode the latent variables and get the reconstructions.


z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] the sampled z.
is_training : boolean, optional
whether in the training or inference mode.

When data_type=='Gaussian':


nu_z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, G] The mean of Y_i|Z_i,X_i.
tau : tf.Tensor
[1, G] The variance of Y_i|Z_i,X_i.

When data_type=='UMI':


lambda_z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, G] The mean of Y_i|Z_i,X_i.
r : tf.Tensor
[1, G] The dispersion parameters of Y_i|Z_i,X_i.

When data_type=='non-UMI':


lambda_z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, G] The mean of Y_i|Z_i,X_i.
r : tf.Tensor
[1, G] The dispersion parameters of Y_i|Z_i,X_i.
phi_z : tf.Tensor
[1, G] The zero inflated parameters of Y_i|Z_i,X_i.
Expand source code
def call(self, z, is_training=True):
    '''Decode the latent variables and get the reconstructions.

    z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d]\) the sampled \(z\).
    is_training : boolean, optional
        whether in the training or inference mode.

    When `data_type=='Gaussian'`:

    nu_z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
    tau : tf.Tensor
        \([1, G]\) The variance of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).

    When `data_type=='UMI'`:

    lambda_z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
    r : tf.Tensor
        \([1, G]\) The dispersion parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).

    When `data_type=='non-UMI'`:

    lambda_z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, G]\) The mean of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
    r : tf.Tensor
        \([1, G]\) The dispersion parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
    phi_z : tf.Tensor
        \([1, G]\) The zero inflated parameters of \(Y_i|Z_i,X_i\).
    for dense, bn in zip(self.dense_layers, self.batch_norm_layers):
        z = dense(z)
        z = bn(z, training=is_training)
    if self.data_type=='Gaussian':
        nu_z = self.nu_z(z)
        tau = tf.exp(self.log_tau)
        return nu_z, tau
        lambda_z = tf.math.exp(
            tf.clip_by_value(self.log_lambda_z(z), -30., 6.)
        r = tf.exp(self.log_r)
        if self.data_type=='UMI':
            return lambda_z, r
            return lambda_z, r, self.phi(z)
class LatentSpace (*args, **kwargs)

Layer for the Latent Space.


n_clusters : int
The number of vertices in the latent space.
dim_latent : int
The latent dimension.
M : int, optional
The discretized number of uniform(0,1).
name : str, optional
The name of the layer.
Extra keyword arguments.
Expand source code
class LatentSpace(Layer):
    Layer for the Latent Space.
    def __init__(self, n_clusters, dim_latent,
            name = 'LatentSpace', seed=0, **kwargs):
        n_clusters : int
            The number of vertices in the latent space.
        dim_latent : int
            The latent dimension.
        M : int, optional
            The discretized number of uniform(0,1).
        name : str, optional
            The name of the layer.
        **kwargs : 
            Extra keyword arguments.
        super(LatentSpace, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
        self.dim_latent = dim_latent
        self.n_states = n_clusters
        self.n_categories = int(n_clusters*(n_clusters+1)/2)

        # nonzero indexes
        # A = [0,0,...,0  , 1,1,...,1,   ...]
        # B = [0,1,...,k-1, 1,2,...,k-1, ...]
        self.A, self.B = np.nonzero(np.triu(np.ones(n_clusters)))
        self.A = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.A, tf.int32)
        self.B = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.B, tf.int32)
        self.clusters_ind = tf.boolean_mask(
            tf.range(0,self.n_categories,1), self.A==self.B)

        # [pi_1, ... , pi_K] in R^(n_categories)
        self.pi = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1, self.n_categories], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()) / self.n_categories,
                                name = 'pi')
        # [mu_1, ... , mu_K] in R^(dim_latent * n_clusters) = tf.Variable(tf.random.uniform([self.dim_latent, self.n_states],
                                                minval = -1, maxval = 1, seed=seed, dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()),
                                name = 'mu')
        self.cdf_layer = cdf_layer()       
    def initialize(self, mu, log_pi):
        '''Initialize the latent space.

        mu : np.array
            \([d, k]\) The position matrix.
        log_pi : np.array
            \([1, K]\) \(\\log\\pi\).
        # Initialize parameters of the latent space
        if mu is not None:
        if log_pi is not None:

    def normalize(self):
        '''Normalize \(\\pi\).
        self.pi = tf.nn.softmax(self.pi)

    def _get_normal_params(self, z, pi):
        batch_size = tf.shape(z)[0]
        L = tf.shape(z)[1]
        # [batch_size, L, n_categories]
        if pi is None:
            # [batch_size, L, n_states]
            temp_pi = tf.tile(
                tf.expand_dims(tf.nn.softmax(self.pi), 1),
            temp_pi = tf.expand_dims(tf.nn.softmax(pi), 1)

        # [batch_size, L, d, n_categories]
        alpha_zc = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(
            tf.gather(, self.B, axis=1) - tf.gather(, self.A, axis=1), 0), 0)
        beta_zc = tf.expand_dims(z,-1) - \
            tf.gather(, self.B, axis=1), 0), 0)
        # [batch_size, L, n_categories]
        inv_sig = tf.reduce_sum(alpha_zc * alpha_zc, axis=2)
        nu = - tf.reduce_sum(alpha_zc * beta_zc, axis=2) * tf.math.reciprocal_no_nan(inv_sig)
        _t = - tf.reduce_sum(beta_zc * beta_zc, axis=2) + nu**2*inv_sig
        return temp_pi, beta_zc, inv_sig, nu, _t
    def _get_pz(self, temp_pi, inv_sig, beta_zc, log_p_z_c_L):
        # [batch_size, L, n_categories]
        log_p_zc_L = - 0.5 * self.dim_latent * tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + \
            tf.math.log(temp_pi) + \
                    - 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(beta_zc**2, axis=2), 
        # [batch_size, L, 1]
        log_p_z_L = tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_p_zc_L, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        # [1, ]
        log_p_z = tf.reduce_mean(log_p_z_L)
        return log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z
    def _get_posterior_c(self, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L):
        L = tf.shape(log_p_z_L)[1]

        # log_p_c_x     -   predicted probability distribution
        # [batch_size, n_categories]
        log_p_c_x = tf.reduce_logsumexp(
                        log_p_zc_L - log_p_z_L,
                    axis=1) - tf.math.log(tf.cast(L, tf.keras.backend.floatx()))
        return log_p_c_x

    def _get_inference(self, z, log_p_z_L, temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2):
        batch_size = tf.shape(z)[0]
        L = tf.shape(z)[1]
        dist = tfp.distributions.Normal(
            loc = tf.constant(0.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
            scale = tf.constant(1.0, tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
        # [batch_size, L, n_categories, n_clusters]
        inv_sig = tf.expand_dims(inv_sig, -1)
        _sig = tf.tile(tf.clip_by_value(tf.math.reciprocal_no_nan(inv_sig), 1e-12, 1e30), (1,1,1,self.n_states))
        log_eta0 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(log_eta0, -1), (1,1,1,self.n_states))
        eta1 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(eta1, -1), (1,1,1,self.n_states))
        eta2 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(eta2, -1), (1,1,1,self.n_states))
        nu = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(nu, -1), (1,1,1,1))
        A = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(
            tf.one_hot(self.A, self.n_states, dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
            0),0), (batch_size,L,1,1))
        B = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(
            tf.one_hot(self.B, self.n_states, dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
            0),0), (batch_size,L,1,1))
        temp_pi = tf.expand_dims(temp_pi, -1)

        # w_tilde [batch_size, L, n_clusters]
        w_tilde = log_eta0 + tf.math.log(
                (dist.cdf(eta1) - dist.cdf(eta2)) * (nu * A + (1-nu) * B)  -
                (dist.prob(eta1) - dist.prob(eta2)) * tf.math.sqrt(_sig) * (A - B), 
                0.0, 1e30)
        w_tilde = - 0.5 * self.dim_latent * tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + \
            tf.math.log(temp_pi) + \
                    tf.where(B==1, - 0.5 * tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(beta_zc**2, axis=2), -1), -np.inf), 
        w_tilde = tf.exp(tf.reduce_logsumexp(w_tilde, 2) - log_p_z_L)

        # tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(
        #     tf.reduce_sum(w_tilde, -1), tf.ones([batch_size, L], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx())*0.99, 
        #     message='Wrong w_tilde', summarize=None, name=None
        # )
        # var_w_tilde [batch_size, L, n_clusters]
        var_w_tilde = log_eta0 + tf.math.log(
                (dist.cdf(eta1) -  dist.cdf(eta2)) * ((_sig + nu**2) * (A+B) + (1-2*nu) * B)  -
                (dist.prob(eta1) - dist.prob(eta2)) * tf.math.sqrt(_sig) * (nu *(A+B)-B )*2 -
                (eta1*dist.prob(eta1) - eta2*dist.prob(eta2)) * _sig *(A+B), 
                0.0, 1e30)
        var_w_tilde = - 0.5 * self.dim_latent * tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + \
            tf.math.log(temp_pi) + \
                    tf.where(B==1, - 0.5 * tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(beta_zc**2, axis=2), -1), -np.inf), 
        var_w_tilde = tf.exp(tf.reduce_logsumexp(var_w_tilde, 2) - log_p_z_L) - w_tilde**2  

        w_tilde = tf.reduce_mean(w_tilde, 1)
        var_w_tilde = tf.reduce_mean(var_w_tilde, 1)
        return w_tilde, var_w_tilde

    def get_pz(self, z, eps, pi):
        '''Get \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.

        temp_pi : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\pi\).
        inv_sig : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\sigma_{Z_ic_i}^{-1}\).
        nu : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\nu_{Z_ic_i}\).
        beta_zc : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d, K]\) \(\\beta_{Z_ic_i}\).
        log_eta0 : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\log\\eta_{Z_ic_i,0}\).
        eta1 : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\eta_{Z_ic_i,1}\).
        eta2 : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\eta_{Z_ic_i,2}\).
        log_p_zc_L : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, K]\) \(\\log p(Z_i,c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        log_p_z_L : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L]\) \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        log_p_z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, 1]\) The estimated \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\). 
        temp_pi, beta_zc, inv_sig, nu, _t = self._get_normal_params(z, pi)
        temp_pi = tf.clip_by_value(temp_pi, eps, 1.0)

        log_eta0 = 0.5 * (tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) - \
                    tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30)) + _t)
        eta1 = (1-nu) * tf.math.sqrt(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30))
        eta2 = -nu * tf.math.sqrt(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30))

        log_p_z_c_L =  log_eta0 + tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(
            self.cdf_layer(eta1) - self.cdf_layer(eta2),
            eps, 1e30))
        log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z = self._get_pz(temp_pi, inv_sig, beta_zc, log_p_z_c_L)
        return temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z

    def get_posterior_c(self, z):
        '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.

        p_c_x : np.array
            \([B, K]\) \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        _,_,_,_,_,_,_, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, _ = self.get_pz(z)
        log_p_c_x = self._get_posterior_c(log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L)
        p_c_x = tf.exp(log_p_c_x).numpy()
        return p_c_x

    def call(self, z, pi=None, inference=False):
        '''Get posterior estimations.

        z : tf.Tensor
            \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.
        inference : boolean
            Whether in training or inference mode.

        When `inference=False`:

        log_p_z_L : tf.Tensor
            \([B, 1]\) The estimated \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        When `inference=True`:

        res : dict
            The dict of posterior estimations - \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(c\), \(E(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(Var(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(D_{JS}\).
        eps = 1e-16 if not inference else 0.
        temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z = self.get_pz(z, eps, pi)

        if not inference:
            return log_p_z
            log_p_c_x = self._get_posterior_c(log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L)
            w_tilde, var_w_tilde = self._get_inference(z, log_p_z_L, temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2)
            res = {}
            res['p_c_x'] = tf.exp(log_p_c_x).numpy()
            res['w_tilde'] = w_tilde.numpy()
            res['var_w_tilde'] = var_w_tilde.numpy()
            return res


  • keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
  • tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.autotrackable.AutoTrackable
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.base.Trackable
  • keras.utils.version_utils.LayerVersionSelector


def initialize(self, mu, log_pi)

Initialize the latent space.


mu : np.array
[d, k] The position matrix.
log_pi : np.array
[1, K] \log\pi.
Expand source code
def initialize(self, mu, log_pi):
    '''Initialize the latent space.

    mu : np.array
        \([d, k]\) The position matrix.
    log_pi : np.array
        \([1, K]\) \(\\log\\pi\).
    # Initialize parameters of the latent space
    if mu is not None:
    if log_pi is not None:
def normalize(self)

Normalize \pi.

Expand source code
def normalize(self):
    '''Normalize \(\\pi\).
    self.pi = tf.nn.softmax(self.pi)
def get_pz(self, z, eps, pi)

Get \log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i).


z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The latent variables.


temp_pi : tf.Tensor
[B, L, K] \pi.
inv_sig : tf.Tensor
[B, L, K] \sigma_{Z_ic_i}^{-1}.
nu : tf.Tensor
[B, L, K] \nu_{Z_ic_i}.
beta_zc : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d, K] \beta_{Z_ic_i}.
log_eta0 : tf.Tensor
[B, L, K] \log\eta_{Z_ic_i,0}.
eta1 : tf.Tensor
[B, L, K] \eta_{Z_ic_i,1}.
eta2 : tf.Tensor
[B, L, K] \eta_{Z_ic_i,2}.
log_p_zc_L : tf.Tensor
[B, L, K] \log p(Z_i,c_i|Y_i,X_i).
log_p_z_L : tf.Tensor
[B, L] \log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i).
log_p_z : tf.Tensor
[B, 1] The estimated \log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i).
Expand source code
def get_pz(self, z, eps, pi):
    '''Get \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

    z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.

    temp_pi : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, K]\) \(\\pi\).
    inv_sig : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, K]\) \(\\sigma_{Z_ic_i}^{-1}\).
    nu : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, K]\) \(\\nu_{Z_ic_i}\).
    beta_zc : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d, K]\) \(\\beta_{Z_ic_i}\).
    log_eta0 : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, K]\) \(\\log\\eta_{Z_ic_i,0}\).
    eta1 : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, K]\) \(\\eta_{Z_ic_i,1}\).
    eta2 : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, K]\) \(\\eta_{Z_ic_i,2}\).
    log_p_zc_L : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, K]\) \(\\log p(Z_i,c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    log_p_z_L : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L]\) \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    log_p_z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, 1]\) The estimated \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\). 
    temp_pi, beta_zc, inv_sig, nu, _t = self._get_normal_params(z, pi)
    temp_pi = tf.clip_by_value(temp_pi, eps, 1.0)

    log_eta0 = 0.5 * (tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) - \
                tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30)) + _t)
    eta1 = (1-nu) * tf.math.sqrt(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30))
    eta2 = -nu * tf.math.sqrt(tf.clip_by_value(inv_sig, 1e-12, 1e30))

    log_p_z_c_L =  log_eta0 + tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(
        self.cdf_layer(eta1) - self.cdf_layer(eta2),
        eps, 1e30))
    log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z = self._get_pz(temp_pi, inv_sig, beta_zc, log_p_z_c_L)
    return temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z
def get_posterior_c(self, z)

Get p(c_i|Y_i,X_i).


z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The latent variables.


p_c_x : np.array
[B, K] p(c_i|Y_i,X_i).
Expand source code
def get_posterior_c(self, z):
    '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

    z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.

    p_c_x : np.array
        \([B, K]\) \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    _,_,_,_,_,_,_, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, _ = self.get_pz(z)
    log_p_c_x = self._get_posterior_c(log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L)
    p_c_x = tf.exp(log_p_c_x).numpy()
    return p_c_x
def call(self, z, pi=None, inference=False)

Get posterior estimations.


z : tf.Tensor
[B, L, d] The latent variables.
inference : boolean
Whether in training or inference mode.

When inference=False:


log_p_z_L : tf.Tensor
[B, 1] The estimated \log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i).

When inference=True:


res : dict
The dict of posterior estimations - p(c_i|Y_i,X_i), c, E(\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i), Var(\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i), D_{JS}.
Expand source code
def call(self, z, pi=None, inference=False):
    '''Get posterior estimations.

    z : tf.Tensor
        \([B, L, d]\) The latent variables.
    inference : boolean
        Whether in training or inference mode.

    When `inference=False`:

    log_p_z_L : tf.Tensor
        \([B, 1]\) The estimated \(\\log p(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

    When `inference=True`:

    res : dict
        The dict of posterior estimations - \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(c\), \(E(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(Var(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\), \(D_{JS}\).
    eps = 1e-16 if not inference else 0.
    temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2, log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L, log_p_z = self.get_pz(z, eps, pi)

    if not inference:
        return log_p_z
        log_p_c_x = self._get_posterior_c(log_p_zc_L, log_p_z_L)
        w_tilde, var_w_tilde = self._get_inference(z, log_p_z_L, temp_pi, inv_sig, nu, beta_zc, log_eta0, eta1, eta2)
        res = {}
        res['p_c_x'] = tf.exp(log_p_c_x).numpy()
        res['w_tilde'] = w_tilde.numpy()
        res['var_w_tilde'] = var_w_tilde.numpy()
        return res
class VariationalAutoEncoder (*args, **kwargs)

Combines the encoder, decoder and LatentSpace into an end-to-end model for training and inference.


dim_origin : int
The output dimension of the decoder.
dimensions : np.array
The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
dim_latent : int
The latent dimension.
data_type : str, optional
'UMI', 'non-UMI', or 'Gaussian'.
has_cov : boolean
Whether has covariates or not.
gamma : float, optional
The weights of the MMD loss
name : str, optional
The name of the layer.
Extra keyword arguments.
Expand source code
class VariationalAutoEncoder(tf.keras.Model):
    Combines the encoder, decoder and LatentSpace into an end-to-end model for training and inference.
    def __init__(self, dim_origin, dimensions, dim_latent,
                 data_type = 'UMI', has_cov=False,
                 name = 'autoencoder', **kwargs):
        dim_origin : int
            The output dimension of the decoder.        
        dimensions : np.array
            The dimensions of hidden layers of the encoder.
        dim_latent : int
            The latent dimension.
        data_type : str, optional
            `'UMI'`, `'non-UMI'`, or `'Gaussian'`.
        has_cov : boolean
            Whether has covariates or not.
        gamma : float, optional
            The weights of the MMD loss
        name : str, optional
            The name of the layer.
        **kwargs : 
            Extra keyword arguments.
        super(VariationalAutoEncoder, self).__init__(name = name, **kwargs)
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.dim_origin = dim_origin
        self.dim_latent = dim_latent
        self.encoder = Encoder(dimensions, dim_latent)
        self.decoder = Decoder(dimensions[::-1], dim_origin, data_type, data_type)        
        self.has_cov = has_cov
    def init_latent_space(self, n_clusters, mu, log_pi=None):
        '''Initialze the latent space.

        n_clusters : int
            The number of vertices in the latent space.
        mu : np.array
            \([d, k]\) The position matrix.
        log_pi : np.array, optional
            \([1, K]\) \(\\log\\pi\).
        self.n_states = n_clusters
        self.latent_space = LatentSpace(self.n_states, self.dim_latent)
        self.latent_space.initialize(mu, log_pi)
        self.pilayer = None

    def create_pilayer(self):
        self.pilayer = Dense(self.latent_space.n_categories, name = 'pi_layer')

    def call(self, x_normalized, c_score, x = None, scale_factor = 1,
             pre_train = False, L=1, alpha=0.0, gamma = 0.0, phi = 1.0, conditions = None, pi_cov = None):
        '''Feed forward through encoder, LatentSpace layer and decoder.

        x_normalized : np.array
            \([B, G]\) The preprocessed data.
        c_score : np.array
            \([B, s]\) The covariates \(X_i\), only used when `has_cov=True`.
        x : np.array, optional
            \([B, G]\) The original count data \(Y_i\), only used when data_type is not `'Gaussian'`.
        scale_factor : np.array, optional
            \([B, ]\) The scale factors, only used when data_type is not `'Gaussian'`.
        pre_train : boolean, optional
            Whether in the pre-training phare or not.
        L : int, optional
            The number of MC samples.
        alpha : float, optional
            The penalty parameter for covariates adjustment.
        gamma : float, optional
            The weight of mmd loss
        phi : float, optional
            The weight of Jacob norm of the encoder.
        conditions: str or list, optional
            The conditions of different cells from the selected batch

        losses : float
            the loss.

        if not pre_train and self.latent_space is None:
            raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
        if self.has_cov:
            x_normalized = tf.concat([x_normalized, c_score], -1)
        _, z_log_var, z = self.encoder(x_normalized, L)

        if gamma == 0:
            mmd_loss = 0.0
            mmd_loss = self._get_total_mmd_loss(conditions,z,gamma)

        z_in = tf.concat([z, tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(c_score,1), (1,L,1))], -1) if self.has_cov else z
        x = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(x, 1), (1,L,1))
        reconstruction_z_loss = self._get_reconstruction_loss(x, z_in, scale_factor, L)
        if self.has_cov and alpha>0.0:
            zero_in = tf.concat([tf.zeros([z.shape[0],1,z.shape[2]], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
                                tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(c_score,1), (1,1,1))], -1)
            reconstruction_zero_loss = self._get_reconstruction_loss(x, zero_in, scale_factor, 1)
            reconstruction_z_loss = (1-alpha)*reconstruction_z_loss + alpha*reconstruction_zero_loss

        J_norm = self._get_Jacob(x_normalized, L)
        self.add_loss((phi * J_norm))
        # gamma weight has been used when call _mmd_loss function.

        if not pre_train:
            pi = self.pilayer(pi_cov) if self.pilayer is not None else None
            log_p_z = self.latent_space(z, pi, inference=False)

            # - E_q[log p(z)]
            self.add_loss(- log_p_z)

            # - Eq[log q(z|x)]
            E_qzx = - tf.reduce_mean(
                            0.5 * self.dim_latent *
                            (tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + 1.0) +
                            0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(z_log_var, axis=-1)
        return self.losses
    def _get_reconstruction_loss(self, x, z_in, scale_factor, L):
        if self.data_type=='Gaussian':
            # Gaussian Log-Likelihood Loss function
            nu_z, tau = self.decoder(z_in)
            neg_E_Gaus = 0.5 * tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(tau, 1e-12, 1e30)) + 0.5 * tf.math.square(x - nu_z) / tau
            neg_E_Gaus = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(neg_E_Gaus, axis=-1))

            return neg_E_Gaus
            if self.data_type == 'UMI':
                x_hat, r = self.decoder(z_in)
                x_hat, r, phi = self.decoder(z_in)

            x_hat = x_hat*tf.expand_dims(scale_factor, -1)

            # Negative Log-Likelihood Loss function

            # Ref for NB & ZINB loss functions:
            # Negative Binomial loss

            neg_E_nb = tf.math.lgamma(r) + tf.math.lgamma(x+1.0) \
                        - tf.math.lgamma(x+r) + \
                        (r+x) * tf.math.log(1.0 + (x_hat/r)) + \
                        x * (tf.math.log(r) - tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(x_hat, 1e-12, 1e30)))
            if self.data_type == 'non-UMI':
                # Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial loss
                nb_case = neg_E_nb - tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(1.0-phi, 1e-12, 1e30))
                zero_case = - tf.math.log(tf.clip_by_value(
                    phi + (1.0-phi) * tf.pow(r * tf.math.reciprocal_no_nan(r + x_hat), r),
                    1e-12, 1e30))
                neg_E_nb = tf.where(tf.less(x, 1e-8), zero_case, nb_case)

            neg_E_nb = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(neg_E_nb, axis=-1))
            return neg_E_nb

    def _get_total_mmd_loss(self,conditions,z,gamma):
        mmd_loss = 0.0
        conditions = tf.cast(conditions,tf.int32)
        n_group = conditions.shape[1]

        for i in range(n_group):
            sub_conditions = conditions[:, i]
            # 0 means not participant in mmd
            z_cond = z[sub_conditions != 0]
            sub_conditions = sub_conditions[sub_conditions != 0]
            n_sub_group = tf.unique(sub_conditions)[0].shape[0]
            real_labels = K.reshape(sub_conditions, (-1,)).numpy()
            unique_set = list(set(real_labels))
            reindex_dict = dict(zip(unique_set, range(n_sub_group)))
            real_labels = [reindex_dict[x] for x in real_labels]
            real_labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(real_labels,dtype=tf.int32)

            if (n_sub_group == 1) | (n_sub_group == 0):
                _loss = 0
                _loss = self._mmd_loss(real_labels=real_labels, y_pred=z_cond, gamma=gamma,
            mmd_loss = mmd_loss + _loss
        return mmd_loss

    # each loop the inputed shape is changed. Can not use @tf.function
    # tf graph requires static shape and tensor dtype
    def _mmd_loss(self, real_labels, y_pred, gamma, n_conditions, kernel_method='multi-scale-rbf',
        conditions_mmd = tf.dynamic_partition(y_pred, real_labels, num_partitions=n_conditions)
        loss = 0.0
        if computation_method.isdigit():
            boundary = int(computation_method)
            ## every pair of groups will calculate a distance
            for i in range(boundary):
                for j in range(boundary, n_conditions):
                    loss += _nan2zero(compute_mmd(conditions_mmd[i], conditions_mmd[j], kernel_method))
            for i in range(len(conditions_mmd)):
                for j in range(i):
                    loss += _nan2zero(compute_mmd(conditions_mmd[i], conditions_mmd[j], kernel_method))

        # print("The loss is ", loss)
        return gamma * loss

    def _get_Jacob(self, x, L):
        with tf.GradientTape() as g:
            z_mean, z_log_var, z = self.encoder(x, L)
            # y_mean, y_log_var = self.decoder(z)
        ## just jacobian will cause shape (batch,16,batch,64) matrix
        J = g.batch_jacobian(z, x)
        J_norm = tf.norm(J)
        # tf.print(J_norm)

        return J_norm
    def get_z(self, x_normalized, c_score):    
        '''Get \(q(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        x_normalized : int
            \([B, G]\) The preprocessed data.
        c_score : np.array
            \([B, s]\) The covariates \(X_i\), only used when `has_cov=True`.

        z_mean : np.array
            \([B, d]\) The latent mean.
        x_normalized = x_normalized if (not self.has_cov or c_score is None) else tf.concat([x_normalized, c_score], -1)
        z_mean, _, _ = self.encoder(x_normalized, 1, False)
        return z_mean.numpy()

    def get_pc_x(self, test_dataset):
        '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        test_dataset : tf.Dataset
            the dataset object.

        pi_norm : np.array
            \([1, K]\) The estimated \(\\pi\).
        p_c_x : np.array
            \([N, ]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        if self.latent_space is None:
            raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
        pi_norm = tf.nn.softmax(self.latent_space.pi).numpy()
        p_c_x = []
        for x,c_score in test_dataset:
            x = tf.concat([x, c_score], -1) if self.has_cov else x
            _, _, z = self.encoder(x, 1, False)
            _p_c_x = self.latent_space.get_posterior_c(z)            
        p_c_x = np.concatenate(p_c_x)         
        return pi_norm, p_c_x

    def inference(self, test_dataset, L=1):
        '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

        test_dataset : tf.Dataset
            The dataset object.
        L : int
            The number of MC samples.

        pi_norm  : np.array
            \([1, K]\) The estimated \(\\pi\).
        mu : np.array
            \([d, k]\) The estimated \(\\mu\).
        p_c_x : np.array
            \([N, ]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        w_tilde : np.array
            \([N, k]\) The estimated \(E(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        var_w_tilde  : np.array 
            \([N, k]\) The estimated \(Var(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
        z_mean : np.array
            \([N, d]\) The estimated latent mean.
        if self.latent_space is None:
            raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
        print('Computing posterior estimations over mini-batches.')
        progbar = Progbar(test_dataset.cardinality().numpy())
        pi_norm = tf.nn.softmax(self.latent_space.pi).numpy()
        mu =
        z_mean = []
        p_c_x = []
        w_tilde = []
        var_w_tilde = []
        for step, (x,c_score, _, _) in enumerate(test_dataset):
            x = tf.concat([x, c_score], -1) if self.has_cov else x
            _z_mean, _, z = self.encoder(x, L, False)
            res = self.latent_space(z, inference=True)

        z_mean = np.concatenate(z_mean)
        p_c_x = np.concatenate(p_c_x)
        w_tilde = np.concatenate(w_tilde)
        w_tilde /= np.sum(w_tilde, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        var_w_tilde = np.concatenate(var_w_tilde)
        return pi_norm, mu, p_c_x, w_tilde, var_w_tilde, z_mean


  • keras.engine.base_layer.Layer
  • tensorflow.python.module.module.Module
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.autotrackable.AutoTrackable
  • tensorflow.python.trackable.base.Trackable
  • keras.utils.version_utils.LayerVersionSelector
  • keras.utils.version_utils.ModelVersionSelector


def init_latent_space(self, n_clusters, mu, log_pi=None)

Initialze the latent space.


n_clusters : int
The number of vertices in the latent space.
mu : np.array
[d, k] The position matrix.
log_pi : np.array, optional
[1, K] \log\pi.
Expand source code
def init_latent_space(self, n_clusters, mu, log_pi=None):
    '''Initialze the latent space.

    n_clusters : int
        The number of vertices in the latent space.
    mu : np.array
        \([d, k]\) The position matrix.
    log_pi : np.array, optional
        \([1, K]\) \(\\log\\pi\).
    self.n_states = n_clusters
    self.latent_space = LatentSpace(self.n_states, self.dim_latent)
    self.latent_space.initialize(mu, log_pi)
    self.pilayer = None
def create_pilayer(self)
Expand source code
def create_pilayer(self):
    self.pilayer = Dense(self.latent_space.n_categories, name = 'pi_layer')
def call(self, x_normalized, c_score, x=None, scale_factor=1, pre_train=False, L=1, alpha=0.0, gamma=0.0, phi=1.0, conditions=None, pi_cov=None)

Feed forward through encoder, LatentSpace layer and decoder.


x_normalized : np.array
[B, G] The preprocessed data.
c_score : np.array
[B, s] The covariates X_i, only used when has_cov=True.
x : np.array, optional
[B, G] The original count data Y_i, only used when data_type is not 'Gaussian'.
scale_factor : np.array, optional
[B, ] The scale factors, only used when data_type is not 'Gaussian'.
pre_train : boolean, optional
Whether in the pre-training phare or not.
L : int, optional
The number of MC samples.
alpha : float, optional
The penalty parameter for covariates adjustment.
gamma : float, optional
The weight of mmd loss
phi : float, optional
The weight of Jacob norm of the encoder.
conditions : str or list, optional
The conditions of different cells from the selected batch


losses : float
the loss.
Expand source code
def call(self, x_normalized, c_score, x = None, scale_factor = 1,
         pre_train = False, L=1, alpha=0.0, gamma = 0.0, phi = 1.0, conditions = None, pi_cov = None):
    '''Feed forward through encoder, LatentSpace layer and decoder.

    x_normalized : np.array
        \([B, G]\) The preprocessed data.
    c_score : np.array
        \([B, s]\) The covariates \(X_i\), only used when `has_cov=True`.
    x : np.array, optional
        \([B, G]\) The original count data \(Y_i\), only used when data_type is not `'Gaussian'`.
    scale_factor : np.array, optional
        \([B, ]\) The scale factors, only used when data_type is not `'Gaussian'`.
    pre_train : boolean, optional
        Whether in the pre-training phare or not.
    L : int, optional
        The number of MC samples.
    alpha : float, optional
        The penalty parameter for covariates adjustment.
    gamma : float, optional
        The weight of mmd loss
    phi : float, optional
        The weight of Jacob norm of the encoder.
    conditions: str or list, optional
        The conditions of different cells from the selected batch

    losses : float
        the loss.

    if not pre_train and self.latent_space is None:
        raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
    if self.has_cov:
        x_normalized = tf.concat([x_normalized, c_score], -1)
    _, z_log_var, z = self.encoder(x_normalized, L)

    if gamma == 0:
        mmd_loss = 0.0
        mmd_loss = self._get_total_mmd_loss(conditions,z,gamma)

    z_in = tf.concat([z, tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(c_score,1), (1,L,1))], -1) if self.has_cov else z
    x = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(x, 1), (1,L,1))
    reconstruction_z_loss = self._get_reconstruction_loss(x, z_in, scale_factor, L)
    if self.has_cov and alpha>0.0:
        zero_in = tf.concat([tf.zeros([z.shape[0],1,z.shape[2]], dtype=tf.keras.backend.floatx()), 
                            tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(c_score,1), (1,1,1))], -1)
        reconstruction_zero_loss = self._get_reconstruction_loss(x, zero_in, scale_factor, 1)
        reconstruction_z_loss = (1-alpha)*reconstruction_z_loss + alpha*reconstruction_zero_loss

    J_norm = self._get_Jacob(x_normalized, L)
    self.add_loss((phi * J_norm))
    # gamma weight has been used when call _mmd_loss function.

    if not pre_train:
        pi = self.pilayer(pi_cov) if self.pilayer is not None else None
        log_p_z = self.latent_space(z, pi, inference=False)

        # - E_q[log p(z)]
        self.add_loss(- log_p_z)

        # - Eq[log q(z|x)]
        E_qzx = - tf.reduce_mean(
                        0.5 * self.dim_latent *
                        (tf.math.log(tf.constant(2 * np.pi, tf.keras.backend.floatx())) + 1.0) +
                        0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(z_log_var, axis=-1)
    return self.losses
def get_z(self, x_normalized, c_score)

Get q(Z_i|Y_i,X_i).


x_normalized : int
[B, G] The preprocessed data.
c_score : np.array
[B, s] The covariates X_i, only used when has_cov=True.


z_mean : np.array
[B, d] The latent mean.
Expand source code
def get_z(self, x_normalized, c_score):    
    '''Get \(q(Z_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

    x_normalized : int
        \([B, G]\) The preprocessed data.
    c_score : np.array
        \([B, s]\) The covariates \(X_i\), only used when `has_cov=True`.

    z_mean : np.array
        \([B, d]\) The latent mean.
    x_normalized = x_normalized if (not self.has_cov or c_score is None) else tf.concat([x_normalized, c_score], -1)
    z_mean, _, _ = self.encoder(x_normalized, 1, False)
    return z_mean.numpy()
def get_pc_x(self, test_dataset)

Get p(c_i|Y_i,X_i).


test_dataset : tf.Dataset
the dataset object.


pi_norm : np.array
[1, K] The estimated \pi.
p_c_x : np.array
[N, ] The estimated p(c_i|Y_i,X_i).
Expand source code
def get_pc_x(self, test_dataset):
    '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

    test_dataset : tf.Dataset
        the dataset object.

    pi_norm : np.array
        \([1, K]\) The estimated \(\\pi\).
    p_c_x : np.array
        \([N, ]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    if self.latent_space is None:
        raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
    pi_norm = tf.nn.softmax(self.latent_space.pi).numpy()
    p_c_x = []
    for x,c_score in test_dataset:
        x = tf.concat([x, c_score], -1) if self.has_cov else x
        _, _, z = self.encoder(x, 1, False)
        _p_c_x = self.latent_space.get_posterior_c(z)            
    p_c_x = np.concatenate(p_c_x)         
    return pi_norm, p_c_x
def inference(self, test_dataset, L=1)

Get p(c_i|Y_i,X_i).


test_dataset : tf.Dataset
The dataset object.
L : int
The number of MC samples.


pi_norm : np.array
[1, K] The estimated \pi.
mu : np.array
[d, k] The estimated \mu.
p_c_x : np.array
[N, ] The estimated p(c_i|Y_i,X_i).
w_tilde : np.array
[N, k] The estimated E(\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i).
var_w_tilde : np.array
[N, k] The estimated Var(\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i).
z_mean : np.array
[N, d] The estimated latent mean.
Expand source code
def inference(self, test_dataset, L=1):
    '''Get \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).

    test_dataset : tf.Dataset
        The dataset object.
    L : int
        The number of MC samples.

    pi_norm  : np.array
        \([1, K]\) The estimated \(\\pi\).
    mu : np.array
        \([d, k]\) The estimated \(\\mu\).
    p_c_x : np.array
        \([N, ]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    w_tilde : np.array
        \([N, k]\) The estimated \(E(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    var_w_tilde  : np.array 
        \([N, k]\) The estimated \(Var(\\tilde{w}_i|Y_i,X_i)\).
    z_mean : np.array
        \([N, d]\) The estimated latent mean.
    if self.latent_space is None:
        raise ReferenceError('Have not initialized the latent space.')
    print('Computing posterior estimations over mini-batches.')
    progbar = Progbar(test_dataset.cardinality().numpy())
    pi_norm = tf.nn.softmax(self.latent_space.pi).numpy()
    mu =
    z_mean = []
    p_c_x = []
    w_tilde = []
    var_w_tilde = []
    for step, (x,c_score, _, _) in enumerate(test_dataset):
        x = tf.concat([x, c_score], -1) if self.has_cov else x
        _z_mean, _, z = self.encoder(x, L, False)
        res = self.latent_space(z, inference=True)

    z_mean = np.concatenate(z_mean)
    p_c_x = np.concatenate(p_c_x)
    w_tilde = np.concatenate(w_tilde)
    w_tilde /= np.sum(w_tilde, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    var_w_tilde = np.concatenate(var_w_tilde)
    return pi_norm, mu, p_c_x, w_tilde, var_w_tilde, z_mean