Module VITAE.inference

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import warnings
#from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

class Inferer(object):
    The class for doing inference based on posterior estimations.

    def __init__(self, n_states: int):
        n_states : int
            The number of vertices in the latent space.
        self.n_states = n_states
        self.n_categories = int(n_states*(n_states+1)/2)
      #  self.A, self.B = np.nonzero(np.triu(np.ones(n_states)))
       ## indicator of the catagories
        self.C = np.triu(np.ones(n_states))
        self.C[self.C>0] = np.arange(self.n_categories)
        self.C = self.C.astype(int)
    def build_graphs(self, w_tilde, pc_x, method: str = 'mean', thres: float = 0.5, no_loop: bool = False, 
            cutoff = 0):
        '''Build the backbone.
        pc_x : np.array
            \([N, K]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).        
        method : string, optional 
            'mean', 'modified_mean', 'map', or 'modified_map'.
        thres : float, optional 
            The threshold used for filtering edges \(e_{ij}\) that \((n_{i}+n_{j}+e_{ij})/N<thres\), only applied to mean method.

        G : nx.Graph
            The graph of edge scores.
        self.no_loop = no_loop
    #    self.w_tilde = w_tilde

        graph = np.zeros((self.n_states,self.n_states))
        if method=='mean':
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    idx = np.sum(pc_x[:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=1)>=thres
                    if np.sum(idx)>0:
                        graph[i,j] = np.mean(pc_x[idx,self.C[i,j]]/np.sum(pc_x[idx][:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=-1))
        elif method=='modified_mean':
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    idx = np.sum(pc_x[:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=1)>=thres
                    if np.sum(idx)>0:
                        graph[i,j] = np.sum(pc_x[idx,self.C[i,j]])/np.sum(pc_x[idx][:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]])
        elif method=='map':
            c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    if np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])>0:
                        graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/np.sum((c==self.C[i,j])|(c==self.C[i,i])|(c==self.C[j,j]))
        elif method=='modified_map':
            c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/(np.sum((w_tilde[:,i]>0.5)|(w_tilde[:,j]>0.5))+1e-16)
        elif method=='raw_map':
            c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    if np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])>0:
                        graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/np.sum(np.isin(c, np.diagonal(self.C)) == False)
        elif method == "w_base":
            for i in range(self.n_states):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    two_vertice_max_w = w_tilde[(np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == i) | (np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == j),:]
                    num_two_vertice = two_vertice_max_w.shape[0]
                    if num_two_vertice > 0:
                        graph[i, j] = np.sum(
                            np.abs(two_vertice_max_w[:, i] - two_vertice_max_w[:, j]) < 0.1) / num_two_vertice
        elif method == "modified_w_base":
            top2_idx = np.argpartition(w_tilde, -2, axis=1)[:, -2:]
            for i in range(self.n_states):
                for j in range(i + 1, self.n_states):
                    two_vertice_max_w = np.all(top2_idx == [i, j], axis=1) | np.all(top2_idx == [j, i], axis=1)
                    two_vertice_max_w = w_tilde[two_vertice_max_w, :]
                    vertice_count = w_tilde[(np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == i) | (np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == j), :]
                    vertice_count = vertice_count.shape[0]
                    if vertice_count > 0:
                        edge_count = \
                            np.max((two_vertice_max_w[:, i], two_vertice_max_w[:, j]), axis=0) \
                            / (two_vertice_max_w[:, i] + two_vertice_max_w[:, j])
                        edge_count = np.sum(edge_count < 0.55)
                        graph[i, j] = edge_count / vertice_count
            raise ValueError("Invalid method, must be one of 'mean', 'modified_mean', 'map', 'modified_map','raw_map','w_base', and 'modified_w_base'.")
        graph[graph<=cutoff] = 0
        G = nx.from_numpy_array(graph)
        if self.no_loop and not nx.is_tree(G):
            # prune if there are no loops
            G = nx.maximum_spanning_tree(G)
        return G

    def modify_wtilde(self, w_tilde, edges):
        '''Project \(\\tilde{w}\) to the estimated backbone.
        w_tilde : np.array
            \([N, k]\) The estimated \(\\tilde{w}\).        
        edges : np.array
            \([|\\mathcal{E}(\\widehat{\\mathcal{B}})|, 2]\).

        w : np.array
            The projected \(\\tilde{w}\).
        w = np.zeros_like(w_tilde)
        # projection on nodes
        best_proj_err_node = np.sum(w_tilde**2, axis=-1) - 2*np.max(w_tilde, axis=-1) +1
        best_proj_err_node_ind = np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=-1)
        if len(edges)>0:
            # projection on edges
            idc = np.tile(np.arange(w.shape[0]), (2,1)).T
            ide = edges[np.argmax(np.sum(w_tilde[:,edges], axis=-1)**2 -
                                  4 *[:,edges], axis=-1) +
                                  2 * np.sum(w_tilde[:,edges], axis=-1), axis=-1)]
            w[idc, ide] = w_tilde[idc, ide] + (1-np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide], axis=-1, keepdims=True))/2
            best_proj_err_edge = np.sum(w_tilde**2, axis=-1) - np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide]**2, axis=-1) + (1-np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide], axis=-1))**2/2
            idc = (best_proj_err_node<best_proj_err_edge)
            w[idc,:] = np.eye(w_tilde.shape[-1])[best_proj_err_node_ind[idc]]
            idc = np.arange(w.shape[0])
            w[idc, best_proj_err_node_ind] = 1
        return w

    def build_milestone_net(self, subgraph, init_node: int):
        '''Build the milestone network.

        subgraph : nx.Graph
            The connected component of the backbone given the root vertex.
        init_node : int
            The root vertex.
        df_subgraph : pd.DataFrame 
            The milestone network.
        if len(subgraph)==1:
            warnings.warn('Singular node.')
            return []
        elif nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(subgraph):
            milestone_net = []
            for edge in list(subgraph.edges):
                if edge[0]==init_node:
                    dist = 1
                elif edge[1]==init_node:
                    paths_0 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[0])
                    dist = - (np.max([len(p) for p in paths_1]) - 1)
                    paths_0 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[0])
                    paths_1 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[1])
                    dist = np.max([len(p) for p in paths_1]) - np.max([len(p) for p in paths_0])
                milestone_net.append([edge[0], edge[1], dist])
            # Dijkstra's Algorithm to find the shortest path
            unvisited = {node: {'parent':None,
                                'distance':np.inf} for node in subgraph.nodes}
            current = init_node
            currentScore = 0
            currentDistance = 0
            unvisited[current]['score'] = currentScore

            milestone_net = []
            while True:
                for neighbour in subgraph.neighbors(current):
                    if neighbour not in unvisited: continue
                    newScore = currentScore + subgraph[current][neighbour]['weight']
                    if unvisited[neighbour]['score'] > newScore:
                        unvisited[neighbour]['score'] = newScore
                        unvisited[neighbour]['parent'] = current
                        unvisited[neighbour]['distance'] = currentDistance+1

                if len(unvisited)<len(subgraph):
                del unvisited[current]
                if not unvisited: break
                current, currentScore, currentDistance = \
                    sorted([(i[0],i[1]['score'],i[1]['distance']) for i in unvisited.items()],
                            key = lambda x: x[1])[0]
            return np.array(milestone_net)

    def comp_pseudotime(self, milestone_net, init_node: int, w):
        '''Compute pseudotime.

        milestone_net : pd.DataFrame
            The milestone network.
        init_node : int
            The root vertex.
        w : np.array
            \([N, k]\) The projected \(\\tilde{w}\).
        pseudotime : np.array
            \([N, k]\) The estimated pseudtotime.
        pseudotime = np.empty(w.shape[0])
        pseudotime[w[:,init_node]==1] = 0
        if len(milestone_net)>0:
            for i in range(len(milestone_net)):
                _from, _to = milestone_net[i,:2]
                _from, _to = int(_from), int(_to)

                idc = ((w[:,_from]>0)&(w[:,_to]>0)) | (w[:,_to]==1)
                pseudotime[idc] = w[idc,_to] + milestone_net[i,-1] - 1
        return pseudotime


class Inferer (n_states: int)

The class for doing inference based on posterior estimations.


n_states : int
The number of vertices in the latent space.
Expand source code
class Inferer(object):
    The class for doing inference based on posterior estimations.

    def __init__(self, n_states: int):
        n_states : int
            The number of vertices in the latent space.
        self.n_states = n_states
        self.n_categories = int(n_states*(n_states+1)/2)
      #  self.A, self.B = np.nonzero(np.triu(np.ones(n_states)))
       ## indicator of the catagories
        self.C = np.triu(np.ones(n_states))
        self.C[self.C>0] = np.arange(self.n_categories)
        self.C = self.C.astype(int)
    def build_graphs(self, w_tilde, pc_x, method: str = 'mean', thres: float = 0.5, no_loop: bool = False, 
            cutoff = 0):
        '''Build the backbone.
        pc_x : np.array
            \([N, K]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).        
        method : string, optional 
            'mean', 'modified_mean', 'map', or 'modified_map'.
        thres : float, optional 
            The threshold used for filtering edges \(e_{ij}\) that \((n_{i}+n_{j}+e_{ij})/N<thres\), only applied to mean method.

        G : nx.Graph
            The graph of edge scores.
        self.no_loop = no_loop
    #    self.w_tilde = w_tilde

        graph = np.zeros((self.n_states,self.n_states))
        if method=='mean':
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    idx = np.sum(pc_x[:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=1)>=thres
                    if np.sum(idx)>0:
                        graph[i,j] = np.mean(pc_x[idx,self.C[i,j]]/np.sum(pc_x[idx][:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=-1))
        elif method=='modified_mean':
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    idx = np.sum(pc_x[:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=1)>=thres
                    if np.sum(idx)>0:
                        graph[i,j] = np.sum(pc_x[idx,self.C[i,j]])/np.sum(pc_x[idx][:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]])
        elif method=='map':
            c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    if np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])>0:
                        graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/np.sum((c==self.C[i,j])|(c==self.C[i,i])|(c==self.C[j,j]))
        elif method=='modified_map':
            c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/(np.sum((w_tilde[:,i]>0.5)|(w_tilde[:,j]>0.5))+1e-16)
        elif method=='raw_map':
            c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
            for i in range(self.n_states-1):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    if np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])>0:
                        graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/np.sum(np.isin(c, np.diagonal(self.C)) == False)
        elif method == "w_base":
            for i in range(self.n_states):
                for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                    two_vertice_max_w = w_tilde[(np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == i) | (np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == j),:]
                    num_two_vertice = two_vertice_max_w.shape[0]
                    if num_two_vertice > 0:
                        graph[i, j] = np.sum(
                            np.abs(two_vertice_max_w[:, i] - two_vertice_max_w[:, j]) < 0.1) / num_two_vertice
        elif method == "modified_w_base":
            top2_idx = np.argpartition(w_tilde, -2, axis=1)[:, -2:]
            for i in range(self.n_states):
                for j in range(i + 1, self.n_states):
                    two_vertice_max_w = np.all(top2_idx == [i, j], axis=1) | np.all(top2_idx == [j, i], axis=1)
                    two_vertice_max_w = w_tilde[two_vertice_max_w, :]
                    vertice_count = w_tilde[(np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == i) | (np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == j), :]
                    vertice_count = vertice_count.shape[0]
                    if vertice_count > 0:
                        edge_count = \
                            np.max((two_vertice_max_w[:, i], two_vertice_max_w[:, j]), axis=0) \
                            / (two_vertice_max_w[:, i] + two_vertice_max_w[:, j])
                        edge_count = np.sum(edge_count < 0.55)
                        graph[i, j] = edge_count / vertice_count
            raise ValueError("Invalid method, must be one of 'mean', 'modified_mean', 'map', 'modified_map','raw_map','w_base', and 'modified_w_base'.")
        graph[graph<=cutoff] = 0
        G = nx.from_numpy_array(graph)
        if self.no_loop and not nx.is_tree(G):
            # prune if there are no loops
            G = nx.maximum_spanning_tree(G)
        return G

    def modify_wtilde(self, w_tilde, edges):
        '''Project \(\\tilde{w}\) to the estimated backbone.
        w_tilde : np.array
            \([N, k]\) The estimated \(\\tilde{w}\).        
        edges : np.array
            \([|\\mathcal{E}(\\widehat{\\mathcal{B}})|, 2]\).

        w : np.array
            The projected \(\\tilde{w}\).
        w = np.zeros_like(w_tilde)
        # projection on nodes
        best_proj_err_node = np.sum(w_tilde**2, axis=-1) - 2*np.max(w_tilde, axis=-1) +1
        best_proj_err_node_ind = np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=-1)
        if len(edges)>0:
            # projection on edges
            idc = np.tile(np.arange(w.shape[0]), (2,1)).T
            ide = edges[np.argmax(np.sum(w_tilde[:,edges], axis=-1)**2 -
                                  4 *[:,edges], axis=-1) +
                                  2 * np.sum(w_tilde[:,edges], axis=-1), axis=-1)]
            w[idc, ide] = w_tilde[idc, ide] + (1-np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide], axis=-1, keepdims=True))/2
            best_proj_err_edge = np.sum(w_tilde**2, axis=-1) - np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide]**2, axis=-1) + (1-np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide], axis=-1))**2/2
            idc = (best_proj_err_node<best_proj_err_edge)
            w[idc,:] = np.eye(w_tilde.shape[-1])[best_proj_err_node_ind[idc]]
            idc = np.arange(w.shape[0])
            w[idc, best_proj_err_node_ind] = 1
        return w

    def build_milestone_net(self, subgraph, init_node: int):
        '''Build the milestone network.

        subgraph : nx.Graph
            The connected component of the backbone given the root vertex.
        init_node : int
            The root vertex.
        df_subgraph : pd.DataFrame 
            The milestone network.
        if len(subgraph)==1:
            warnings.warn('Singular node.')
            return []
        elif nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(subgraph):
            milestone_net = []
            for edge in list(subgraph.edges):
                if edge[0]==init_node:
                    dist = 1
                elif edge[1]==init_node:
                    paths_0 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[0])
                    dist = - (np.max([len(p) for p in paths_1]) - 1)
                    paths_0 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[0])
                    paths_1 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[1])
                    dist = np.max([len(p) for p in paths_1]) - np.max([len(p) for p in paths_0])
                milestone_net.append([edge[0], edge[1], dist])
            # Dijkstra's Algorithm to find the shortest path
            unvisited = {node: {'parent':None,
                                'distance':np.inf} for node in subgraph.nodes}
            current = init_node
            currentScore = 0
            currentDistance = 0
            unvisited[current]['score'] = currentScore

            milestone_net = []
            while True:
                for neighbour in subgraph.neighbors(current):
                    if neighbour not in unvisited: continue
                    newScore = currentScore + subgraph[current][neighbour]['weight']
                    if unvisited[neighbour]['score'] > newScore:
                        unvisited[neighbour]['score'] = newScore
                        unvisited[neighbour]['parent'] = current
                        unvisited[neighbour]['distance'] = currentDistance+1

                if len(unvisited)<len(subgraph):
                del unvisited[current]
                if not unvisited: break
                current, currentScore, currentDistance = \
                    sorted([(i[0],i[1]['score'],i[1]['distance']) for i in unvisited.items()],
                            key = lambda x: x[1])[0]
            return np.array(milestone_net)

    def comp_pseudotime(self, milestone_net, init_node: int, w):
        '''Compute pseudotime.

        milestone_net : pd.DataFrame
            The milestone network.
        init_node : int
            The root vertex.
        w : np.array
            \([N, k]\) The projected \(\\tilde{w}\).
        pseudotime : np.array
            \([N, k]\) The estimated pseudtotime.
        pseudotime = np.empty(w.shape[0])
        pseudotime[w[:,init_node]==1] = 0
        if len(milestone_net)>0:
            for i in range(len(milestone_net)):
                _from, _to = milestone_net[i,:2]
                _from, _to = int(_from), int(_to)

                idc = ((w[:,_from]>0)&(w[:,_to]>0)) | (w[:,_to]==1)
                pseudotime[idc] = w[idc,_to] + milestone_net[i,-1] - 1
        return pseudotime


def build_graphs(self, w_tilde, pc_x, method: str = 'mean', thres: float = 0.5, no_loop: bool = False, cutoff=0)

Build the backbone.


pc_x : np.array
[N, K] The estimated p(c_i|Y_i,X_i).
method : string, optional
'mean', 'modified_mean', 'map', or 'modified_map'.
thres : float, optional
The threshold used for filtering edges e_{ij} that (n_{i}+n_{j}+e_{ij})/N<thres, only applied to mean method.


G : nx.Graph The graph of edge scores.

Expand source code
def build_graphs(self, w_tilde, pc_x, method: str = 'mean', thres: float = 0.5, no_loop: bool = False, 
        cutoff = 0):
    '''Build the backbone.
    pc_x : np.array
        \([N, K]\) The estimated \(p(c_i|Y_i,X_i)\).        
    method : string, optional 
        'mean', 'modified_mean', 'map', or 'modified_map'.
    thres : float, optional 
        The threshold used for filtering edges \(e_{ij}\) that \((n_{i}+n_{j}+e_{ij})/N<thres\), only applied to mean method.

    G : nx.Graph
        The graph of edge scores.
    self.no_loop = no_loop
#    self.w_tilde = w_tilde

    graph = np.zeros((self.n_states,self.n_states))
    if method=='mean':
        for i in range(self.n_states-1):
            for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                idx = np.sum(pc_x[:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=1)>=thres
                if np.sum(idx)>0:
                    graph[i,j] = np.mean(pc_x[idx,self.C[i,j]]/np.sum(pc_x[idx][:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=-1))
    elif method=='modified_mean':
        for i in range(self.n_states-1):
            for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                idx = np.sum(pc_x[:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]], axis=1)>=thres
                if np.sum(idx)>0:
                    graph[i,j] = np.sum(pc_x[idx,self.C[i,j]])/np.sum(pc_x[idx][:,self.C[[i,i,j],[i,j,j]]])
    elif method=='map':
        c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
        for i in range(self.n_states-1):
            for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                if np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])>0:
                    graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/np.sum((c==self.C[i,j])|(c==self.C[i,i])|(c==self.C[j,j]))
    elif method=='modified_map':
        c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
        for i in range(self.n_states-1):
            for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/(np.sum((w_tilde[:,i]>0.5)|(w_tilde[:,j]>0.5))+1e-16)
    elif method=='raw_map':
        c = np.argmax(pc_x, axis=-1)
        for i in range(self.n_states-1):
            for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                if np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])>0:
                    graph[i,j] = np.sum(c==self.C[i,j])/np.sum(np.isin(c, np.diagonal(self.C)) == False)
    elif method == "w_base":
        for i in range(self.n_states):
            for j in range(i+1,self.n_states):
                two_vertice_max_w = w_tilde[(np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == i) | (np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == j),:]
                num_two_vertice = two_vertice_max_w.shape[0]
                if num_two_vertice > 0:
                    graph[i, j] = np.sum(
                        np.abs(two_vertice_max_w[:, i] - two_vertice_max_w[:, j]) < 0.1) / num_two_vertice
    elif method == "modified_w_base":
        top2_idx = np.argpartition(w_tilde, -2, axis=1)[:, -2:]
        for i in range(self.n_states):
            for j in range(i + 1, self.n_states):
                two_vertice_max_w = np.all(top2_idx == [i, j], axis=1) | np.all(top2_idx == [j, i], axis=1)
                two_vertice_max_w = w_tilde[two_vertice_max_w, :]
                vertice_count = w_tilde[(np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == i) | (np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=1) == j), :]
                vertice_count = vertice_count.shape[0]
                if vertice_count > 0:
                    edge_count = \
                        np.max((two_vertice_max_w[:, i], two_vertice_max_w[:, j]), axis=0) \
                        / (two_vertice_max_w[:, i] + two_vertice_max_w[:, j])
                    edge_count = np.sum(edge_count < 0.55)
                    graph[i, j] = edge_count / vertice_count
        raise ValueError("Invalid method, must be one of 'mean', 'modified_mean', 'map', 'modified_map','raw_map','w_base', and 'modified_w_base'.")
    graph[graph<=cutoff] = 0
    G = nx.from_numpy_array(graph)
    if self.no_loop and not nx.is_tree(G):
        # prune if there are no loops
        G = nx.maximum_spanning_tree(G)
    return G
def modify_wtilde(self, w_tilde, edges)

Project \tilde{w} to the estimated backbone.


w_tilde : np.array
[N, k] The estimated \tilde{w}.
edges : np.array
[|\mathcal{E}(\widehat{\mathcal{B}})|, 2].


w : np.array The projected \tilde{w}.

Expand source code
def modify_wtilde(self, w_tilde, edges):
    '''Project \(\\tilde{w}\) to the estimated backbone.
    w_tilde : np.array
        \([N, k]\) The estimated \(\\tilde{w}\).        
    edges : np.array
        \([|\\mathcal{E}(\\widehat{\\mathcal{B}})|, 2]\).

    w : np.array
        The projected \(\\tilde{w}\).
    w = np.zeros_like(w_tilde)
    # projection on nodes
    best_proj_err_node = np.sum(w_tilde**2, axis=-1) - 2*np.max(w_tilde, axis=-1) +1
    best_proj_err_node_ind = np.argmax(w_tilde, axis=-1)
    if len(edges)>0:
        # projection on edges
        idc = np.tile(np.arange(w.shape[0]), (2,1)).T
        ide = edges[np.argmax(np.sum(w_tilde[:,edges], axis=-1)**2 -
                              4 *[:,edges], axis=-1) +
                              2 * np.sum(w_tilde[:,edges], axis=-1), axis=-1)]
        w[idc, ide] = w_tilde[idc, ide] + (1-np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide], axis=-1, keepdims=True))/2
        best_proj_err_edge = np.sum(w_tilde**2, axis=-1) - np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide]**2, axis=-1) + (1-np.sum(w_tilde[idc, ide], axis=-1))**2/2
        idc = (best_proj_err_node<best_proj_err_edge)
        w[idc,:] = np.eye(w_tilde.shape[-1])[best_proj_err_node_ind[idc]]
        idc = np.arange(w.shape[0])
        w[idc, best_proj_err_node_ind] = 1
    return w
def build_milestone_net(self, subgraph, init_node: int)

Build the milestone network.


subgraph : nx.Graph
The connected component of the backbone given the root vertex.
init_node : int
The root vertex.


df_subgraph : pd.DataFrame
The milestone network.
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def build_milestone_net(self, subgraph, init_node: int):
    '''Build the milestone network.

    subgraph : nx.Graph
        The connected component of the backbone given the root vertex.
    init_node : int
        The root vertex.
    df_subgraph : pd.DataFrame 
        The milestone network.
    if len(subgraph)==1:
        warnings.warn('Singular node.')
        return []
    elif nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(subgraph):
        milestone_net = []
        for edge in list(subgraph.edges):
            if edge[0]==init_node:
                dist = 1
            elif edge[1]==init_node:
                paths_0 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[0])
                dist = - (np.max([len(p) for p in paths_1]) - 1)
                paths_0 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[0])
                paths_1 = nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, source=init_node, target=edge[1])
                dist = np.max([len(p) for p in paths_1]) - np.max([len(p) for p in paths_0])
            milestone_net.append([edge[0], edge[1], dist])
        # Dijkstra's Algorithm to find the shortest path
        unvisited = {node: {'parent':None,
                            'distance':np.inf} for node in subgraph.nodes}
        current = init_node
        currentScore = 0
        currentDistance = 0
        unvisited[current]['score'] = currentScore

        milestone_net = []
        while True:
            for neighbour in subgraph.neighbors(current):
                if neighbour not in unvisited: continue
                newScore = currentScore + subgraph[current][neighbour]['weight']
                if unvisited[neighbour]['score'] > newScore:
                    unvisited[neighbour]['score'] = newScore
                    unvisited[neighbour]['parent'] = current
                    unvisited[neighbour]['distance'] = currentDistance+1

            if len(unvisited)<len(subgraph):
            del unvisited[current]
            if not unvisited: break
            current, currentScore, currentDistance = \
                sorted([(i[0],i[1]['score'],i[1]['distance']) for i in unvisited.items()],
                        key = lambda x: x[1])[0]
        return np.array(milestone_net)
def comp_pseudotime(self, milestone_net, init_node: int, w)

Compute pseudotime.


milestone_net : pd.DataFrame
The milestone network.
init_node : int
The root vertex.
w : np.array
[N, k] The projected \tilde{w}.


pseudotime : np.array
[N, k] The estimated pseudtotime.
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def comp_pseudotime(self, milestone_net, init_node: int, w):
    '''Compute pseudotime.

    milestone_net : pd.DataFrame
        The milestone network.
    init_node : int
        The root vertex.
    w : np.array
        \([N, k]\) The projected \(\\tilde{w}\).
    pseudotime : np.array
        \([N, k]\) The estimated pseudtotime.
    pseudotime = np.empty(w.shape[0])
    pseudotime[w[:,init_node]==1] = 0
    if len(milestone_net)>0:
        for i in range(len(milestone_net)):
            _from, _to = milestone_net[i,:2]
            _from, _to = int(_from), int(_to)

            idc = ((w[:,_from]>0)&(w[:,_to]>0)) | (w[:,_to]==1)
            pseudotime[idc] = w[idc,_to] + milestone_net[i,-1] - 1
    return pseudotime